Fr. Gary Coulter, Catholic Priest and Parish Pastor

Consider making a retreat: Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House - Waverly, NE

Join a Jubilee Pilgrimage to the Rome and Italy - Nov. 3-14, 2025

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 World Youth Day
 Canon Law

Rated for Excellence in Catholic Fidelity by CatholicCulture.org


Some of my Talks, Presentations, Papers and Articles

Angels & Demons Reviewed
Resources to help critique the book/movie that attemps to smear Catholicism as anti-science.
Da Vinci Code: Fact or Fiction?
A talk critiquing the book (and now movie) that attacks much of what many Christians hold dear. There is also a whole page of Links and Resource
St. Josemaría Escrivá and Opus Dei
A talk on this new Saint in the Church, and on the structure and spirituality of Opus Dei: Finding God in Work and Daily Life.
Who is Mary Magdalene?
A talk on this mysterious woman in the Gospels, refuting some of the many misconceptions (modern and ancient) about this saint.
The Diocesan Presbyterium
Thesis for my License in Canon Law on the body of priests (the presbyterium) who collaborates with the Bishop in a diocese.
Church Teaching on Usury
Thesis for my Masters in Theology on the seemingly antiquate teaching of the Church on the sinfulness of money lending at interest.
Latin Mass (Novus Ordo)
A homily explaining how the new Mass can still be said in Latin, and how and why we are to still use Latin in the Church
Mass Ad Orientem
Literally translated "to the east", a homily explaining how the new Mass can be said with the priest and people both facing the same direction: toward the Lord.
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