Fr. Gary Coulter, Catholic Priest and Parish Pastor

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Recommended Books to Read

Catholic Book Lists and Reviews by Fr. Coulter

What if I don't have time to read?

Intellectual Books (Youth/Adult)
Recommendations of Catholic Books for Young Adults, but it is great for all ages.
Books for Understanding, Explaining and Defending the Catholic Faith.
Includes Conversion Stories of those who have joined the Catholic Church.
Marriage Books
A page of Books and another of Links about Marriage and Marriage Education.
Knights of Columbus Book Club
Books for Priests/Seminarians
Self explanatory, but once you get past the books about the priesthood and celibacy, there are number of classics that might be of interest to all.
Catholic Periodicals
An attempt at a comprehensive list of Catholic Magazines in the U.S. (but not Newspapers)
Books on Prayer and Spirituality
A newly developing page of Catholic spiritual books, classic and modern.
Children's Books
A new page under construction of books suitable for children.
Novels and Fiction
Another new page of Catholic and Christian Novels

Ignatius Insight Scoop and Catholic World Report contributors present the favorite books each year: Best Books I read in 2018, Best Books I read in 2017, Best Books I read in 2016, Best Books I read in 2015, Best Books I read in 2014, Best Books 2013 Best Books 2012, Best of 2011, Best Books 2010, Best Book 2009, Best of 2008, Best Books in 2007, Best Books 2006, Best of 2005, Best/Worst of 2004.

Brandon Vogt has similar lists of his favorite books read each year (see bottom of the post for past years.)

CatecheticsOnline.com has The Essential Book List and Great Texts by Reading Level

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