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Catholic and Christian Marriage Books and Resources

This is a work in progress, so please e-mail your corrections and suggestions.

And don't forget to visit ForYourMarriage.org many more great marriage resources.

Many thanks to the Smart Marriage Coalition for Marriage, Family, and Couples Education, which was the inspiration for many of my links.

Directory of Catholic Resources

Featured Authors
John and Sheila Kippley
Kimberly and Scott Hahn
The Best of Catholic Books and Resources
Church Teaching on Marriage, Family and Theology of the Body
Enriching your Catholic Marriage
Novels about Marriage
Dating from a Catholic Perspective
Catholic Books on Parenting
Catholic Church Teaching (Popes of the 20th Century)
Other Catholic Sources
Pauline Books and Media
Ligouri Publications
Mary Beth Bonacci
Dr. Janet Smith
Miscellaneous Sources
Catholic Wedding Planners

Directory of Catholic Websites

Author's Sites
Preparing for Marriage or Engagement
Natural Family Planning
Marriage Enrichment
Troubled Marriages
General Information

I recommend for Catholics
Spousal Prayer: A Way to Marital Happiness

And for Christians and Catholics
A Book of Prayers for Couples by Stormie Omartian

Two Internet Exclusives:
Ten Things Teens Should Know About Marriage The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality
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