St. Mary Preschool
The 2013-14 school year starts Friday, August 16th
1642 Silver Street Ashland, NE 68003 Preschool 402-944-7509 Rectory Office 402-944-3554
Important Documents
Purpose: St. Mary Preschool Program is established to give children the opportunity and freedom to explore and experience the world around them, to allow them to search in wonder, and to treasure the joy of learning in a loving Christian atmosphere.
Primary Goals of the Program
- To engage children in a Christian atmosphere.
- To create an environment that enables children to grow socially, emotionally, physically, spiritually and intellectually.
- To provide appropriate play experiences which contribute to the developmental needs of the child.
- To recognize each child as a unique individual and to develop this uniqueness through the love of learning and playing together.
- To develop communication and interaction skills through spoken language activities and group interaction.
- To foster mental growth by providing the space, equipment and time to: create, investigate, experiment and find joy in discovery.
- To protect and foster the child's health and safety.
- To develop self-control, self-direction and independence.
Classes Provided
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings from 8:30 to 11:00 am. Children should be 3 years old by June 30th to enroll.
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons from 12:30 to 3:00 pm. Children should be 4 years old by June 30th to enroll. Priority will be given to those children entering Kindergarten the following year.
The preschool classes will coincide with the Ashland Greenwood Public Schools calendar for the school year and vacations: Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter breaks only. On AGPS in-service days off there will still be preschool. No preschool on Catholic Holy Days of Obligation (Nov. 1 and Dec. 8).
Financial Arrangements 2013-2014
A $30 registration fee is required to enroll.
Monthly fees are $110 parishioner / $120 non-parishioner per student.
Payment is due on the first day of each month, checks payable to "St. Mary Preschool", unless using Automatic Withdrawal.
There is a $5 monthly discount for paying via Automatic Withdrawal, i.e. $105 parishioner / $115 non-parishioner.
There is also a $5 discount per child for multiple children. e.g. $200 parishioner / $220 non-parishioner (2 children using automatic withdrawal).
August Tuition is pro-rated: $70 parishioner / $77 non-parishioner.
Credit Card payment is available only if paying an entire semester, (no discounts available). Fall: $557, Spring: $600.
Our Preschool Prayer
Today Lord,
Open my eyes to see your goodness in all things.
Open my ears to hear the needs of others.
Open my mouth to speak words of kindness.
Open my mind to all I learn and experience.
Today Lord, be in my heart!