Parish Organizations
Active participation in the life and mission of the Church is a fundamental duty and privilege of the baptized. Members of the laity are encouraged to express their Faith through memberships in these various associations which are established or approved by the church. St. Mary and St. Joseph have numerous opportunities for involvement and volunteer service.
Altar Society
- The St Mary Altar Society is made up of all the ladies of the parish and usually meets on the Second Thursday of the month at 6:30 PM. The meetings provide an opportunity to involve and inform the ladies of the parish of current issues that concern their family, parish and community.
- The Altar Society pays for the Church supplies, cleaning, decorating, etc. Therefore each lady is asked to pay a yearly dues of $20. They also will be called on to help with coffee and rolls, fundraisers, funerals, and other activities.
- The St Joseph Altar Society does not have regular meetings, but sponsors a Pancake Breakfast each fall and a Soup Supper each spring.
Knights of Columbus
- The Knights of Columbus are an order of Catholic men dedicated to promoting Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. Their fraternity works to spread the faith both among its members and throughout the world, and also includes a strong insurance program, service to the Church and community, and numerous other works of philanthropy.
- The Ashland-Greenwood Knights include men of both parishes and usually meets on the First Thursday at 7:00 PM, odd months in Greenwood, even months in Ashland. The club promotes fellowship among the men of the parish which results in a unified strength which promotes the spiritual, social, financial and material needs of the parish and community.
- The Knights are joined with the talents of other men of the parish to help with maintenance and upkeep of the Church as well as fundraisers and other activities. All men are invited to share their time and talents for the good of the parish.
Parish Council
- The parish council is an elected, consultative body which assists the pastor in the administration of the parish, particularly by coordinating the parish committees and organizations. It seeks to encourage communication between the clergy and lay members of the parish, and therefore the president welcomes input and proposals from all members of the parish. To contact the parish council, contact the pastor or the president Ken Broz, 402-944-7632.