St. Mary Catholic Church

1625 Adams St
Ashland NE 68003

St. Joseph Catholic Church

Oak & North Streets
Greenwood NE
Phone and Fax: 402-944-3554

The Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

The Eucharistic Sacrifice is the memorial of the death and resurrection of the Lord, in which the sacrifice of the cross is perpetuated over the centuries, and is the summit and source of all Christian worship and life. All are called to actively participate in this offering and sacrifice, and certain duties help us to have a reverent and holy Mass.

Choir and Musicians

Our parishioners are volunteering their time and talent to enhance our worship at Mass at St. Mary's. If you can help accompanying the congregational singing, please contact the Choir Director or pastor for more information. Practice for the 8:30 AM Sunday Mass choir takes place after that Mass.

Lectors / Acolytes

Lectors and Acolytes are men chosen by the pastor to attend a series of training classes and are installed by the Bishop to be ministers at the altar. If you are interested, please contact the pastor.

Altar Servers

Altar Boys assist the priests and ministers at Mass. Servers are normally trained in the 4th grade by the pastor. If you are interested or have questions, please contact the pastor.


Ushers help with greeting the people who arrive, taking up the collection, and other duties at Mass. If you are interested in helping, please call the rectory.
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