Homework 10-11

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The pre-Christmas season of 'Adventvs' in the Christian world offers us limitless examples of ancient and modern Latin in the "LITVRGIA ROMANA PAVLI VI - 1975"
-- What does your DICT. give is the meaning for 'adventus'= ________ 'advenio,advenire'= ________

A] ANTIPHONA: "Hodie scietis, quia* veniet Dominus et mane videbitis gloriam eius+". /*quia HERE=that. eius+ = his.

  1. If all verbs here are T.3 you can check their meaning and give the correct version of the advent antiphon:
  2. How will you modify the second phrase: 'quia...gloriam' to read in proper Latin: "The one Lord and his (cf.vocab. in text) faithful [fidus,a,um] angels (angelus,i-m.) will be coming among the upright [probus,a,um] inhabitants (incola,ae-c.) here, because [quoniam] they have been awaiting (exspecto,exspectare,exspectavi,exspectatum) them for-a-long-time [cf. the ambivalent word at the bottom of Ludus 6]; then we shall see great glories [gloria,ae-f.] and many joys (gaudium,i-n.)" [great: magnus,a,um; many - the pl. of multus,a,um] FOR STYLE separate nouns and adjectives with some near related word:

B] ANTIPHONA: "Prophetae praedicaverunt nasci* salvatorem de Virgine Maria". /nasci*=to be born. de=from,out of.

  1. If the verb in your DICT. is: 'praedico,are=to talk up,preach,publish', then you and every good Latinist immediately recognizes the main verb here as Time ________, whose reversed must be:= ________
  2. The exact meaning for a believing Jew of 100 B.C.=
    For a believing Christian of 100 A.D.=
  3. Say in Latin: "what (cf. 'quis,quid') have you as [uti] a learned (doctus,a,um) prophet been preaching within Hebrew [Hebraicus,a,um] families (familia,ae-f.)?"
  4. Give the proper form for the other two Times we have learned with the same subject as in the quote:= ________ ________ give the accent of all three verbs!

C] RESPONSORIVM: "Ponam tabernaculum meum *in medio vestri* et non abiciet vos anima mea. Ambulabo inter vos, et ero Deus vester vosque eritis populus meus. Vos estis templum +Dei vivi, sicut dicit Deus".
VOCAB. *in medio vestri*=in the middle-midst of ye. +Dei vivi=of the living god.

  1. If the verbs here: "ponam--abiciet--ambulabo" are all T.3, then identify the subject of each in the text: (pono,ere;abicio,ere;ambulo,are) =
  2. If the DICT. word is: 'dico,ere,dixi,dictum=to say', and you will soon learn that "diCit" is T.1, then it must mean here with its subject:
    "diXit" will have what various meanings with the same subject?
  3. What are the 'principal' parts in Latin of the commonest word in every language, the verb: "TO BE" ??
  4. From our class treatment of that same verb 'to be', what Time must you see in the form here: "eritis"? ________. now take your brain and pen and give us the other five TIMES of that same verb with the same subject as in the text:
  5. If you know Italian, you will take "ero" as 'I was'; what does that very same form mean in Latin? ________ its reversed?= ________ the remaining fiveTIMES of that verb with the same subject:
  6. In the phrase: "ponam tabernaculum meum", what form-case-function does that 'tabernaculum' have? ________. In the following phrase: "ero Deus vester", WHY are those last two words NOT in any kind of 'object' form? EXPLAIN:
  7. After you have read the lines over at least 10 times? you can reverse in order the four 'vos' l.1= ________ l.2 (first)= ________ l.2(second)= ________ l.3= ________
  8. In l.2, what is that "---que' joining 'vos' to?
  9. Put all that together and give your own version (for church-choir-parish) of the 'responsorium' for "Adventus":
  10. What is the correct reversed of 'Deus vester' (cf.DICT.)= __________ anima mea= __________ tabernaculum meum= __________

D] HYMNVS AD LAVDES: "Adventus hic primus fuit punire quo* non saeculum venit sed ulcus tergere salvando+ quod perierat".
hic=this one (subj.sing.m.) quo*=by which. ulcus (neut. in DICT.)=wound. +salvando=by saving. quod=that which.

  1. What do you recognize in the form: 'fuit' (give meanings, not terminology) ________ its reversed will have to be: ________ and the other five TIMES of that same form with the same subject:
  2. If your DICT. gives you a verb like: 'punio,punire,punivi,punitum=to punish', then the form in the text must mean:=
    The same is true of 'tergo,ere,tersi,tersum=to wipe-off') what does 'tergere' mean?
    The two will go with "venit" in poetical usage.
  3. The verb is: "pereo,perire,perii,peritum=to perish"; once you know that then you can immediately identify the Time you see in "perierat": ________ meaning=
  4. Now you put your head together and all that information, and give a perfect rendition of the modern-1970 liturgical hymn:
  5. Give the other two Times you have learned with the same subject as 'perierat':
  6. If 'ulcus' in your DICT. (another noun group) is NEUTER, then what is "primus"? ________ and reversed?= ________
  7. Say: "we were the first and we came to wipe-off your dirty (sordidus,a,um) windows and dirty floors (pavimentum):

First Experience Latin - Fr. Reginald Foster

Answers to First Experience

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