Learning how to form all times of the verb "to be"
In every language, the verb to be is highly irregular, and Latin is no different. The 4 principal parts of the verb "to be": sum, esse, fui, futurus,a,um
Time 1 has to be memorized (but notice the endings still follow what we learned in Lesson 2: sum, es, est, sumus, estis, sunt
Time 2 is formed beginning with: eram..... the rest is formed as learned in Lesson 2
Time 3 begins with "ero", and then the 'o' becomes an 'i' as you form the other endings, with one exception, the they form is "erunt"
Times 4-6 are formed from the 3rd principal part "fui", as just learned in Lesson 14
There is no direct object of the verb "to be" - it always takes the subject form. Also similar verbs like "appear", "remain", "become" do not take a direct object (accusative case) but only the subject form (nomitive case) as they are connecting verbs, not action verbs.
There is an adjective "summus" which means "high", not "sumus" - "we are"
In Italian "ero" means "I was", but in Latin it is T.3, I shall be.