Homework 6

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One of the most educated individuals of his time, poet-laureate of the Holy Roman Empire, leader of the Italian-Classical Renaissance: AENEAS SYLVIVS PICCOLOMINI [1405-1464 post Chr.] after a very active life as scholar and statesman and man of the world was elected as Pope Pius II [1458-1464]. He is buried in the church of Sant'Andrea della Valle, near Largo argentina, with his nephew Pius III. At the end of his adventurous life he wrote his autobiography: "Commentarii rerum memorabilium" - one of the most readable in western literature.

A] (Pius' election is decided in a Vatican bathroom during the night after conclave block):
"Noctis medium effluxerat, cum - ecce - Bononiensis Aeneam adit et dormientem excitans 'quid ais' inquit 'Aenea? nescis quia iam papam habemus? in latrinis convenerunt aliquot cardinales statueruntque Vilhelmum eligere'... Aeneas: fefellisti me, immo vero te ipsum et patriam tuam Italiam nisi resipis'". [Lib. I,36].
VOCAB. Bononiensis=the cardinal of Bologna. excitans=waking-up. medium,i-n.=the middle. cum=when. Vilhelmus=the cardinal of Rouen,France. dormientem=him sleeping, immo vero=indeed. quia=that. ipsum=yourself. nisi=unless. aliquot=some.

  1. If the verbs here: 'ais' (to say), 'nescis' (not to know), 'resipis' (to rethink, come to senses) have as their subject ________, their reversed form must be:
    If the verb in your DICT. is "fallo,ere,fefelli,falsus" meaning ________, then the verb in the past 'fefellisti' must have as it Latin SUBJECT: ________, and its reversed form (**)=
  2. If the verbs: "effluxerat" (effluere=to flow-pass away), and "adit" (adire=to visit) "inquit" (inquam=I say) have as their general subject: ________, then the verb 'habemus' has as its subject in Latin: ________.
  3. Analyze the use of the '---que' in l.3: "cardinales convenerunt statueruntque Vilhelmum elegere" [convenire=to meet; stauere=to decide: here past]=
  4. You can read through the text and, almost as children, get the exact meaning from the progress of the sentence and a bit of insight: ==
  5. How will you use your Latin training and say: "The cardinals met near the vatican (Vaticanus,a,um) toilets (latrina,ae-f.) and because-of [use: two different prepositions] their animosity (inimicitia,ae-f.)+(their: suus,a,um) decided to elect another (alius,a) man (vir,viri-m.) but not Aenea the Florentine (Florentinus,a,um). In the morning we are rethinking and have not deceived-tricked him. Thus [cf. DICT.] we elected (elegi=I elected) him our Roman (Romanus,a,um) bishop (episcopus,i-m.) outside the toilets":

B] (Pius' chief concern for his whole, 6-year pontificate, was to organize a crusade against the Turks and march on the holy land with all Christian leaders behind him):
"Auctoritas* Graeciam penetraverit et Beticam in Hispania per Mauros occupaverit.../...timuit Pius pontifex hoc+ venenum et occurrere statuit, ne serperet ulterius" [Lib. II,1-2].
VOCAB. *auctoritas=the power-authority of the Islamic law-movement. Betica,ae-f.=southern spain. hoc+=this. ne=that not. ulterius=further. Hispania,ae-f.=spain.

  1. Which prepositions in the Latin language have a dual application?
    Therefore: 'in Graeciam' must mean = ________ while "in Hispania" means = ________.
  2. Check your DICT. for the verb: 'occurro,ere', where you will find not only "run to meet" and "occur" but also with regard for evils-problems-difficulties:=
  3. The verbs here are all in the past: crescere=to grow; penetrare=to penetrate; occupare=to occupy; timere=to fear; stauere=to decide: where the "nos" form for them all will have to be:
  4. If 'serpo,ere=to crawl,sneak-ahead', what English word do we have from it?
  5. Give several meanings for the Latin preposition 'per'= ________. what does the prep 'per' never mean, as in other languages?=
  6. Your own professional version of the pontifical text:
  7. If the adjective is: 'probus,a,um=good,moral,honest' and 'improbus,a,um'=bad,evil,dishonest': what will these phrases mean exactly: (verbs are past)
    "Probas non timuimus probi, quamquam probae timuistis improbos" =
    "Cur timuistis probae improbas, dum improbus non improba timuit?" =

c] (Pius receives a royal guest in Rome: Queen Karlotta - of Cyprus):
"Regina +pro responso+ gratias egit mansitque deinde diebus circiter decem Romae*, donec basilicas martyrum praecipuas visit../..pontifex singulos cardinales singulos §ei largiri§ equos iussit" [Lib. VII,7].
VOCAB. +pro responso+=in return for the answer of the pope. Romae*=in-at Rome. donec=until. singuli,ae,a [in pl.]=individual, single. §ei largiri§=to give to her.

  1. What did your 'Ludus 2' tell you in a VOCAB. note about the form: "martyrum"??=
  2. What does the Latin preposition: 'circiter' mean in general?= ________. What other prepositions have about the same meaning?=
  3. The verbs here: 'egit-to render', 'mansit-to remain', 'visit-to visit', 'iussit-to command' are all past, their vos forms will be (**), that is in Latin:=
  4. If 'praecipuus,a,um' means "special,outstanding", then it agrees here with ________.
  5. Express the: "egit mansitque" in two other good Latin ways:
  6. As tourists in Rome speaking Latin, what will this mean: "PraecipuA visimus praecipuI intraque hospitium non mansimus diu-(cf. DICT.) nostrum" =
  7. Your own faithful version of the short historical note:

First Experience Latin - Fr. Reginald Foster

Answers to First Experience

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