Third Experience - Homework 13

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§ Before we get some inspiration from a classical author of Seneca's time, we still want the Latin LITURGIA ROMANA Adventus et Natalis Domini - to provide nice Latin and thought.

A] + "Primo adventu in humilitate carnis assumptae dispositionis antiquae munus implevit nobisque salutis perpetuae tramitem reseravit: ut, cum secundo venerit in suae gloria maiestatis, manifesto demum munere capiamus quod vigilantes nunc audemus exspectare promissum". [Praefatio Adventus].
VOCAB. munus,eris-n.=task,work,responsibility;gift,present. dispositio,onis-f.=providential-design. ut=in order that. secundo=for the second time. cum=when. vigilans,antis=keeping-watch,vigil. trames,itis-m.=path. demum=finally.

  1. What is going to be the natural meaning of the verb forms here: 'assumptae' (assumere) ________ and 'promissum' (promittere) ________
  2. What do you say to people who take: 'in suae gloria' as "in his glory"??
  3. You are asked for the 100th time what the object of the verb 'capiamus' is: ________ and you are asked to what that "quod" refers here:=
  4. Be careful about your VOCAB. one verb is: 'reserVare = ________ and is 'reserAre'= ________
  5. Where do you see a subjunctive here accordIng to its form? ________
    Give the other subjunctive times of the same verb with the same subject:
  6. If "ut...capiamus" is a purpose-final clause then according to class instruction to what does it belong as far as subjunctive 'sound' goes?
  7. This is one Latin sentence of 1975 which you can understand and render perfectly if you observe your old eternal principles for Latin reading and analysis: [NO NONSENSE]
  8. How would you add the Latin word for: 'itself,very' to the words in the text= maiestatis ________ nobis ________ tramitem ________ munere ________ gloria ________.
    How would you add the Latin word for: 'whole,all,total: totus,a,um' to the words here: dispositionis ________ munus ________ salutis ________.
  9. What do you tell you students about that string of 'of' forms: "carnis assumptae dispositionis antiquae" ??=
+ "Per incarnati Verbi mysterium nova mentis nostrae oculis lux tuae claritatis infulsit: ut, dum visibiliter Deum cognoscimus, per hunc in invisibilium amorem rapiamur [Praefatio Nativitatis].
VOCAB. infulgeo,ere=to shine-into,onto. visibilis,e=visible. invisibilis,e=invisible.
  1. Point out the form-case here in: 'claritatis'= ________ 'oculis'= ________ 'mentis'= ________
  2. From the VOCAB. given what does 'in invisibilium amorem' NOT mean what it seems to mean? ________ what would that look like in Latin?
  3. What does "per hunc" mean and imply with its gender?
    A prize will be given in class for anyone who fills out the 'per hunc' with 3-4 words which complete the thought!!!=
  4. If the reversed of 'Deum' is ________, then the reversed of 'invisibilium' must be:=
  5. Add the heavy official Latin word for "that" to the words here: 'mysterium' ________ 'amorem' ________ 'Verbi' ________.
  6. Point out a subjunctive here:= ________ In T. ____. Give the other subjunctive times with the same subject in the same voice:=
  7. Your own perfect version of the modern elegant Latin:
  8. What is the passive [idea first, then its form] for "Deum cognoscimus"=
  9. What would be possibly the other 'degrees' for that "visibiliter"?=
B] This and the next 'ludus' will feature Rome's first romance-novel writer who provides us not only with a funny story of youthful adventure, but especially, a gold-mine of daily colloquial street Latin at the time of Nero [54-68 post Chr]. The person is GAIUS PETRONIVS ARBITER [+65 post Chr.] who. gave us his "Satyricon" of age old fame.
A) (he speaks about the Greeks' care of culture and the Romans' luxurious neglect):
"Verum, ut ad plastas convertar: Lysippum statuae unius lineamentis inhaerentem inopia exstinxit, et Myron, qui paene animas hominum ferarumque aere comprehenderat non invenit heredem. AT nos vino scortisque demersi ne paratas quidem artes audemus cognoscere, sec accusatores antiquitatis vitia tantum docemus et discimus [n. 88]
VOCAB. plasta,ae-m.=sculptor. lineamentum,i-n.=lines. inopia,ae-f.=need,poverty,famine. fera,ae-f.=wild-beast. scortum,i-n.=harlot. ne...quidem=not...even. demergo,eres=sink. ut=that,so that+subjunct.
  1. If the Latin verb: "inhaereo,ere=to stick to (inhaerens=sticking) + DATIVE," then where is the DAT. here?
  2. The first word: 'verum' does not mean 'truth,true,truly' but in your DICT. in the second place means: ________ [In Latin its always occupies the 1st place].
  3. What is the difference in Latin between: "aër, aëris-m."= ________ And "aes, aeris-n."= ________
  4. What possible gender do you see in the Latin: "unius"?= ________ Here it is what gender and why? ________ what will its reversed be?
  5. What is the difference in Latin between: 'et'= ________ 'at'= ________ 'ut'= ________
  6. What is the difference in Latin between: "pOEnae"= ________ "pAEne"= ________
  7. You can consider this as your mid-year proof - and give a flawless version of the delightful Latin:

Third Experience Latin - Fr. Reginald Foster

Answers to Third Experience

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