Homework 32-33

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§ Before we stop in this our first experience of the Latin Language-Literature, we must study more texts of the most lovable enjoyable writer of the Italian Renaissance AENEAS SYLVIVS PICCOLOMINI [1405-1464] who became PONTIFEX PIVS II [1458-1464]. He wrote the greatest autobiography of all times: 'Commentarii Rerum Memorabilium quae temporibus suis contigerunt'. [tempor.suis=ABL. of time=in. contingere=to happen.]. (see Ludus 6!)
- What does the title (which is controversial because of that 'suis' why? ________) mean?:
- What is the reversed of "rerum memorabilium" (cf. Lesson 31 and other things!)= ________ +"suis temporibus"= ________

$ Piccolomini was elected after a deal was made in the Vatican bathroom during the night!! 9 to 6 votes.
-- The dean of the cardinals speaks FIRST saying "Nos te pontificem veneramur et denuo, quantum in nobis est, eligimus tibique fideliter serviemus" [Lib.I,n.36].

  1. If the verb is 'eligere=to choose,elect', then the verb is here T.____. If the verb is "servire=to serve, be subservient', then the verb here is T.____.
  2. If the reversed form for that: "in nobis" must be: ________, then the reversed form for that "tibi" must be ________.
  3. What does the verb form here look like ['veneramur'] active or passive? ____. the other words here: 'TE pontificEM' will make you think of what other phenomenon in the Latin language also presented in class of First Experience? explain the literary-DICT. reality in a few words:=
  4. As a professional historian you will render the simple line of Latin exactly: [N.B. 'quantum'=how much. 'fideliter' cf. DICT. and 'denuo']
  5. You can add an historical note for your students: (final exam Latin translation)
    "We had heard about-concerning his tomb [sepulchrum,i-n.] within the church [sacra aedes] of Saint Andrew della Valle, next-to 'Area Argentina', where he had been buried after many (multus,a,um) centuries (saeculum,i-n.) by a familiar (familiaris,e) friend. And therefore with-by great zeal [studium,i-n.] we venerated him and his beauty of the Latin language with which he educated us his students".
    VOCAB. Saint Andrew=Sanctus Andrea(as),ae. where=ubi. bury=sepelire,tumulare. beauty=pulchritudo,inis-f. educate=instituere,educare. student=disciupulus/a.
    1. WHY did I underline the -3- "his" here?? explain the method and solution:
    2. Do we use a preposition for that 'by' in line 3: no / yes ____ why?
    3. Do we use a preposition for the 'with' in l.4-5 no / yes _____ why?
    4. How is the verb: 'Ye venerated' going to look like in correct Latin [cf. original text]: ________. How do you say in the same good Latin: 'Ye were venerating': ________. 'we shall be venerating': ________.
    5. Your perfect Latin translation of the proposed historical text [which may encourage you to visit our beloved Pius II monument downtown]:

-- The ceremonies which followed the election of PIVS II in the old Saint Peter's:
"Interim novus praesul paululum* cibo recreatus in basilicam sancti Petri ductus est et in ara maiore collocatus, sub qua iacent beatorum apostolorum corpora; et paulo post* in sublimi solio ipsaque cathedra pro consuetudine sedit, quo in loco tum cardinales et episcopi tum multi ex populo eius pedes exosculati sunt et sedentem in throno Christi vicarium advoraverunt" [Lib.I,n.37]

  1. If the verbs in your DICT. are: 'duco,ere=to lead' and 'colloco,are=to place' and 'exosculor,ari,atus=to kiss', then you as a well-trained Latinist must be able to distinguish the exact meanings of 'ductus est'= ________ 'exosculati sunt'= ________ 'collocatus est'= ________.
  2. If the noun is "consuetudo,inis-f.=custom", then the phrase: 'pro cons.' will mean something NOT mentioned in class but found in your DICT. as almost last meaning for that preposition: ________.
  3. What different forms-cases can the Latin preposition: "sub" require and when?
  4. If the adjective is: "sublimis,e=high", what form-case do you see [80%] in "sublimI" ________ and what form-case do you see in "consuetudinE"? ________ WHY the difference?
  5. If the word is: 'cibus,i-m.=food' then so far what will be the general meaning for that 'cibo'?= ________ and what must be the meaning for the 'recreatus' [[recreare=to refresh]]:? ________
  6. 'Quo in loco' illustrates the fact that the prep. can be put ________; what is the reversed today of the same expression:?
  7. What can "eius pedes' mean in Latin? ________ how do I decide?
  8. HERE is some of the necessary VOCABULARY (which on other occasions you could find in your DICT.): *paululum=a little bit. iacere=to lie. *paulo post=a little later. ipsa*=itself. tum...tum=both...and. sedens,entis=sitting. ara,ae-f.=altar.
  9. WHY did Piccolomini write: "in basiciliAM" and then "in soliO" (solium,i-n.=throne)? explain the phenomenon:
  10. What is the difference between: 'sedEt'= ________ and 'sedIt' ________
  11. What would these expressions mean exactly: 'pedes earum exosculati sunt"?= ________ "pedes suos exosculati sunt"?= __________ "pedes suum exosculati sunt" [n.b! sus,suis!!]?= ________
  12. Your own intelligent FINAL version of the good Latin here: [READ ten times!!!]:
  13. What will be the "YOU-TU" form for that 'ductus est' and 'exosculati sunt' in TIME 3:

First Experience Latin - Fr. Reginald Foster

Answers to First Experience

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