St. Mary Catholic Church

1625 Adams St
Ashland NE 68003

St. Joseph Catholic Church

Oak & North Streets
Greenwood NE
Phone and Fax: 402-944-3554


The faithful have the obligation as a precept of the Church to assist with the material needs of the Church, each according to their own abilities of time, talent, and money. St. Mary and St. Joseph have numerous needs and opportunities for involvement and volunteer service.

Offering Envelopes

Envelopes are distributed yearly; if you do not receive envelopes please contact the rectory. St. Mary's is a tax-deductible organization, and those who use the contribution envelopes can receive an annual report for tax purposes.

Electronic Giving

A monthly automatic donation can be conviently made by electronic transform from your account. Download the Authorization Agreement

Bulletin Advertizing

Our parishes offer advertizing on our weekly bulletin. Download the Price List for Advertizing

Planned Giving

Please consider remembering St. Mary Church or St. Joseph Church in your will. Assistance with will planning is provided by the Diocesan Planned Giving Office, 488-2142

Facility Use

St. Mary's church basement, education building, tables and chairs are available for parishioners and some community organizations for an optional donation. Call the pastor for information and reservations. Any group using the facilities must sign an insurance waiver.
St. Mary and St. Joseph Catholic Churches
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