St. Mary Catholic Church

1625 Adams St
Ashland NE 68003

St. Joseph Catholic Church

Oak & North Streets
Greenwood NE
Phone and Fax: 402-944-3554



Parents are obliged to see that infants are baptized within the first weeks after birth; as soon as possible after the birth or even before it parents are to contact a priest to receive the necessary baptismal instructions. For baptism of adults, see the information on RCIA or contact a priest.


Contact a priest to make arrangements to receive the necessary marriage instructions. At least 4 to 6 months or more in advance are required, but up to a year in advance is always welcome. Couples should be interviewed and begin marriage preparation before the date can be officially set.

First Communion & Confession

These sacraments are celebrated for the first time in the 2nd grade for students enrolled in the CCD program. Please contact a priest if they are needed for an older student or adult. First Communion takes place on the weekend two weeks after Easter.


The sacrament of Confirmation is necessary for the completion of baptismal grace. Confirmation is celebrated every 3 years for 5th-7th grade students enrolled in the CCD program. Please contact a priest for an older student or adult to receive confirmation.

Anointing of the Sick

This sacrament of healing is administered to anyone who seriously ill or elderly. It can be repeated for each additional serious sickness or crisis. Please call a priest whenever someone is seriously injured or hospitalized, and do not wait until the sick person is near death.

Vocations - Holy Orders and Religious Life

If you feel a calling to serve the Lord in the priesthood or religious life, please contact the pastor. If you know someone who may have such a calling, please encourage them to pursue such a vocation, and recommendations can be made to the pastor. More information is also available by contacting the Lincoln Vocations Director at 474-7914 or see the Dioesan Vocations Office.

Mass Stipends

The tradition of the Church allows the priest to offer Masses for the specific intention of anyone living or deceased, and to receive a stipend for doing so. The usual offering is set by the Bishop at $10. Of course no intention will be refused for an offering of a lesser amount.

Stole Fees

On the occasion of a baptism, marriage, funeral, anniversary, etc. an offering may be given which goes to support the Church, but no set amount is asked for. Laity who wish to make a specific offering to the priest must clearly designate their offering, otherwise these offerings are considered the property of the church.
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