Experience III, Lesson 20: Introduction to Participles

Learning principles of Participles

    Participles are Verbal Adjectives

  1. As an Adjective, the participle can describe/modify a noun
    Corollary: Like other adjectives, they can stand alone and act like a noun.
  2. As a Verb, the participle can take an object
    Corollary: As verbs, participles can take adverbs and produce clauses
  3. The Romans squeezed participles (to death)
    Corollary: There is hardly a sentence in Latin without a participle
  4. The problem with participles is that there are two few.
    Corollary: There are only 4 participles in Latin (e.g. Greek has about 12)
    Corollary: The participle can't be used to express many ideas in Latin - they don't exist
  5. Participles never change their natural meanings - no matter what, whichever / however they are used
    Corollary: Participles don't depend on the English/vernacular translation for their meaning
Now go on to Lesson 21: Participle Forms and Meanings

Third Experience Latin - Fr. Reginald Foster

Answers to Third Experience

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