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Welcome to Mainz, an ecclesiastical center since 746, when Boniface was bishop. Since 962, the Archbishop of Mainz was one of the prince-electors of the Holy Roman Empire. |

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St. Martin Cathedral (Mainzer Dom). In 1037 the main portions were complete, and most of the present day cathedral was built before the 14th century. |

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The Mainz Cathedral represents the high-point of Romanesque cathedral architecture. |

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The massive Cathedral structure, with ts enormous red-sandstone, six-towered body looms over courtyard and commands a prominent place in the skyline of Mainz. |

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Statuary of the Pieta. |

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Fr. Frank views a crucifixion scene. |

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A side chapel with ornate altar and massive baptismal font. |

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Statue of St Willigis (975-1011) who founded the Cathedral, or St. Boniface. |

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Mainz is also the home of Johann Gutenberg, credited with the invention of the modern printing press with movable type. |

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The 19th century Christ Cathedral, which is the protestant counterpart to the 1,000-year-old catholic Mainz Cathedral. |

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Our boat for a cruise on the Rhine River from Bingen (near Mainz) to St. Goar. |

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The "Mouse Tower". According to the legend, during a famine, a cruel-hearted tyrant was pursued into the tower by thousands of mice. |

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Castle Rheinstein |

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A little chapel along the river. |

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Burg Reichenstein. One of the oldest castles on the Rhine (11th century). Perched on a rocky ridge, its mighty wall and defensive towers contributed to the strength of its position on the Rhine. |

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Ruins of Fort Furstenberg |

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Bacharach and Castle Stahleck |

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Oberwesel and Castle Schonburg |

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One of many towers in Oberwesel |

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St. Goarshausen and Katz Castle |