Churches: Westminister Abbey, Westminster Cathedral and more.
(45K) 645 x 432 | The parish Church for Parliment. |
(47K) 432 x 645 | Interior |
(49K) 432 x 645 | Westminster Abbey, founded in 960 AD as a Benedictine Monastery. |
(63K) 432 x 645 | The abbey is also known as the "Coronation Church", ever since William the Conqueror in 1066, it is the place or coronation (and burial) for many Kings and Queens. |
(67K) 432 x 645 | Chapel of Henry VII (Lady Chapel). Notice the fan-vaulted ceiling. |
(45K) 432 x 645 | Poet's corner: this is a monument to the Bard, Shakespeare (very fuzzy). |
(64K) 432 x 645 | Behind the main altar is the hallowed pilgrimage site of the tomb of St. Edward the Confessor. King of England from 1042-1066, canonized in 1161, his incorrupt body was solemnly translated here in 1163 by St. Thomas of Canterbury. |
(54K) 432 x 645 | View of the Church from inside the cloisters of the Abbey. |
(36K) 432 x 645 | Another view in the cloisers, with Parliment in the background. |
(49K) 432 x 645 | Like most of England, they don't realize how Catholic such places are, even though the Anglicans have borrowed them from us. |
(31K) 432 x 645 | Westminister Cathedral, the Catholic Cathedral for the Diocese of Westminster (London) and headquarters for the Roman Catholic Church in Britain. |
(49K) 645 x 432 | O Lord Jesus, King and Reedemer, by your blood, save us. |
(50K) 432 x 645 | Built in 1903, with beautiful mosaics covering the vaults of the sanctuary. |
(56K) 645 x 432 | An early Byzantine style, its also massive, 360 ft long and 156 ft wide (the widest in England!). There are one hundred different types of marble decorating the interior. |
(49K) 432 x 645 | A closer view of the crucifix and mosaic. |
(53K) 645 x 432 | St. John Sothworth, the only martyrs in the Cathedral. One of 40 canonized by Paul VI in 1970. He was arrested and condemned to death for being a priest, then hung, drawn and quartered on June 28, 1654 at Tyburn. |
(52K) 432 x 645 | Humm... that statue of St. Peter looks quite familiar to one I see frequently in Rome. |
(63K) 645 x 432 | The baptismal font. |
(37K) 645 x 432 | The Londony Oratory on Brompton, a Catholic landmark known for their glorious liturgy, built in 1880-1884 (Officially: Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary). |
(58K) 432 x 645 | The Brompton Oratory has links to John Henry Newman, who brought the Oratory to England, and Father William Faber, composer of "Faith of our Fathers", was founder under Newman and second superior (and buried in St Wilfrid's chapel inside). |
(75K) 432 x 645 | Side altar to St. Philip Neri (1515-1595), founder of the Oratorians. |
(61K) 645 x 432 | Just a picture of the taxis in London - and take note: they drive on the wrong side of the street. |
(40K) 645 x 432 | I ended my week going to a performance of the London symphonany orchestra, performing the St. Matthew's Passion by Bach. |
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