My Pictures of Guam

Viewing some of the sites on the Northen half of the island.

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Ritidian Point, the northern-most tip of Guam.
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Two Lovers point. Legendary place where two lovers leapt to their death.
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Deep chasm at two-lovers. It is said that a Chamorro chief arranged for his daughter to marry a Spanish aristocrat sea captain.
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Tumon Bay. The girl however was in love with an chamorro boy, who she would meet secretly.
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Coral in the bay below. Being chased by Spanish soldiers it is said the couple tied the hair in a knot and leaped down this cliff into the waves below.
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Mike and Kevin enjoy the view, now always known as "Two Lovers Point".
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Kevin, Brian and Fr. Gary on the clifftop observation platform.
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Central Tumon, the heart of the tourist area of Guam.
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Going to Underwater World: Brian, Aunt Shirley, Kevin and Fr. Gary.
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Kevin, Mike and Fr. Gary enter the worlds longest tunnel aquarium, built in 1999. The 7 foot tunnel is under more than 10 feet of water.
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Fish swarm around the diver looking for lunch.
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Quite colorful and numeous, just moving too fast.
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One of the many sharks swimming past. The Aquarium holds blacktips, gray reef and beautiful leopard sharks.
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Another diver about to become shark bait.
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Notice the shark swimming above Brian's head.
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A very large Grouper - the only wish who wasn't moving to fast to photograph.
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Miriam, Shirley, Mike and Kevin watch the sea turtle swim right up to them.
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A picture of some of the beautiful coral in the aquarium, which also surrounds the island. Corals are not plants, rather invertebrate animals like jellyfish, sea anemones and hydraps.
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More quite colorful coral. Coral grows in warm, shallow water with wave action. The corals secrete calcium, which forms the coral reefs.
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Brian and Becca, brave adventurers begining our cave hike through the jungle.
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Kevin, Brian, Gilbert, Mike and Becca stop for a break on the hot day.
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Success, we reach the cave and take a cool underground swim.
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Time to leave already. Kevin, Fr. Gary, Aunt Shirley and Brian at the airport.
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A final view of Tumon bay and Two lovers point as our plane ascends.

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