Experience III, Lesson 30: Uses of the Subjunctive (part 2)

Learning the different uses and meanings of the Subjunctive (and particles)

Continuing Last lesson, the Subjunctive can be used in numerous different ways.

  1. Adversative

    ut desint vires, tamen est laudanda voluntas
    E.g. a famous adversative: Ut desint vires, tamen est laudanda voluntas (Ovid) - Although strengths/forces/resources are lacking, nevertheless the will is needing to be praised.
  2. Result or Consecutive Clauses

  3. Cum

Cum has three meanings: because, although or when
cum aegrotare coepisset, filium advocavit = he called his son: when he began to be sick; because he began to be sick; although he began to be sick.
The relative clause with the subjunctive can have many uses
laudo te qui libros scribas =
purpose: I praise you so that you may write books
causal: I praise you because you write books
adversative: I praise you even though you write books
Recall: the subjunctive will sound indicative 80% of the time, and only sounds subjunctive if it is one of the three: 1. Purpose or final clause, 2. Conditional, 3. Natural subjunctive.

Now do Homework 32 and Homework 33+34+35

Third Experience Latin - Fr. Reginald Foster

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