There are nine of them, but they are important adjectives so they need to be learned:
unus, -a, -um | one, alone, only (pl) |
nullus, -a, -um [nonnullus, -a, -um] | none, no [some, several] |
ullus, -a, -um | any |
solus, -a, -um | sole, alone |
neuter, neutra, neutrum | neither (of 2) |
alter, -a, -um | the other (of 2), the second; plural: the other group (pl) |
uter, utra, utrum [uterque, utraque, utrumque] | which (of 2)
[both, each (of 2)] |
totus, -a, -um | whole; entire [* doesn't mean: all] |
alius, -a, -ud | another, others |
"Even the devil knows how to speak Latin" - Fr. Foster