Third Experience - Homework 9

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§ Rome's immortal, epic poet PVBLIVS VERGILIVS MARO [70-19 ante Chr.] opens this 'ludus' with the first lines of his Roman epic "Aeneis", Book II, where Aeneas begins to tell the story of the end of Troy in Dido's palace in Carthage:
+ "Cónticuére omnés inténtique óra tenébant.
Índe toró pater Áeneás sic órsus ab álto:
'ínfandúm, regína, iubés renováre dolórem:
Troíanás ut opés et lámentábile régnum
éruerínt Danaí quaeque ípse misérrima vídi
ét quorúm pars mágna fuí...'"
VOCAB. conticescere=fall silent. torus,i-m.=couch at table, bed. ordior,iri=to begin. ut HERE = how. Danai=Graeci. eruerint = eruerunt. ipse = myself.
  1. What does 'miserrima' mean In Latin? ________ Agreeing here with what? ________ what are its other two degrees?
  2. What form-case do you see in that "regina"?
  3. Your DICT. will tell you that the 'os,oris-n.' in l. 1 does not always mean "mouth" but can also mean: face,countenance. How would you add here: "their faces"? ________
  4. If Virgil wants 'orsus' to function as the main verb, then what verb form is missing or understood by all Romans-Latinists? ________ in what verb Time? ____
  5. While 'conticescere' must mean from the DICT.= ________ 'conticuere' will have meaning only from Latin class:= ________ And its reversed: ________
  6. You will find: 'infandus,a,um' in your DICT. as well as "eruo,eruere"= ________ Then you can write out the majestic verses of Virgil at the beginning of his narration in fron to queen Dido:
+ (an urgent plea comes to Aeneas to abandon Troy and find a new city (ROMA??!!) for the gods and people of Troy):
"Héu fuge, náte deá, teque hís - ait - éripe flámmis.
hóstis habét murós; ruit álto a cúlmine Troía...
sácra suósque tibí comméndat Troía penátis;
hós cape fátorúm comités, his moénia quáere
mágna, perérrató statues quae denique ponto".
[II, 291-5]
VOCAB. his..flammis: abl. eripere=snatch. penates,ium=household gods. sacra,orum-n.=sacred rites. pererrato...ponto [this year ABL. ABSOLUTE] = the sea having been covered crossed. statuere=establish.
  1. If the verb is: 'nascor,nasci,natus=to be born', then what does it mean all alone? ________, and what form-case does that 'natE' have to be here in the discourse?
  2. You will soon learn that all those: 'his-hos-his' will mean "these" in their obvious forms-case. In the meantime what verb form do you see in those: "fuge-eripe-cape-quaere"? ________ what will be their reversed IF you are smart!!=
  3. If the subject of commendat is ________, then its object must be: ________, but the question is what two nouns is that "---que" connecting?
  4. Aeneas' mother was the goddess Venus; therefore what is the very short phrase going to mean: "nate dea"? [which is half of the Trojan story!]=
  5. With what noun here does that 'suos' agree?
  6. If you take each verse alone, calmly and patiently you can write out your exact version:
  7. If you understood correctly: then give the reversed or the "hostIS"= ________ And of the "flammIS"= ________ and of the "penatIS" = ________ Latin!!
  8. What will this silly phrases mean to you in Latin: "Pro eius statuis statuas statuis ubi tuas?"=
§ Rome's most honest and educated Renaissance pope: PIVS II [1458-1464 (AENEAS SYLVIVS PICCOLOMINI [1405-1464] always delights us with his immortal 'Commentarii'=autobiography. Here, having been made pope as cardinal from his native Siena, he talks about the political factions and disturbances in his own city which he effectively stopped for a while.
"Quinque in urbe genera hominum fuere: alii Novem appellati quia, dum rempublicam soli tenerent, rectores novem constituerunt; alii eadem ratione Duodecim dicti; alii Reformatores quia reformationes civitatis aliquas fecisse* sunt visi; Nobiles a vetustate ac potentia olim vocati nomen retinuere; reliqui Populares nominati. Duodecim iam pridem a gubernatione deiecti nullam rei publicae partem habuere" [II,35]
VOCAB. tenerent=tenebant. eadem ratione=by the same reason-motive. *fecisse=to have made. deicere=to cast off. aliqui,aliquae=some.
  1. As you read through Pius' Latin, what verb form do you notice immediately as one of his favorites? [Give some examples here]=
  2. Another Latin verb use of his is that of the 'participle' [fourth part of your Latin verb - used alone and meaning?] ________ and that same same participle used in T.4 indicative to produce what?
  3. Therefore the phrase in l.3: "sunt visi" must mean:= ________ and in the next line the "reliqui Populares nominati" must be missing a verb ________ in order to Produce what T. ____ with what meaning?
  4. You are going to ask why Pius changed from 'fuere' to 'constituerunt' [which could have been written also: ________ ]. I don't know; the weather, blood pressure??
  5. Your DICT. in English may help you with the: 'alii...alii' in succession:=
  6. There may be a different meaning in the story for the "A" in l.4= ________ and the "A" in l.5= ________
  7. If your take each sentence individually and patiently you can give us perfectly Pius' evaluation of the political situation in his home town [which you may visit at Christmas]:
  8. Put into Latin this sad line of ROBERT BURNS scottish poet [1759-1769]:
    "O Death! the poor man's dearest friend, the kindest and the best!" (Man was made to mourn: 1786)

Third Experience Latin - Fr. Reginald Foster

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