Third Experience - Homework 8

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§ Some lively Latin conversation from the earliest Latin authors, the comedians, will help us in our Latin growth.

A] the same TITVS MACCVS PLAVTVS whom we met in Ludus 5+6 is back with a few lines of Latin delight:
"AGORASTOCLES: Num tibi, adulescens, malae aut denies pruriunt, qui huic es molestus, an malam rem quaeritas?
ANTAMOENIDES: Cur non adhibuisti, dum istaec loquere, tympanum? nam te cinaedum esse arbitror magis quam virum.
AGOR. Scin quam cinaedus sum? Ite istinc, servi, foras efferte fustis.
ANTA. Heus tu, si quid per iocum dixi, nolito in serium convortere"
[Poenulus V,5].
VOCAB. mala,ae-f.=jaw. huic=to this man. istaec=those-there things. an=or. tympanum,i-n.=a drum used by the priests of Cybele-(special group!). foras=outside. quid=anything.

  1. What form do you see in the: "adulescens---servi"? _________, their reversed:
  2. The verb "prurire=to itch" in your DICT. is used the same way as in many modern languages:=
  3. If the particle "dum" mean 'while', then what must that 'lóquere' be?= _________ What else can it be in Latin? _________ what would: 'loquére' mean to your Latin ear?
  4. The "quam" in l.4 host mean: _________, WHY?
  5. The very common colloquial: "scin=scis+ne"=do you know or not. With that in mind the "quam" in l.5 will have to mean?
  6. Your DICT. gives you: 'fustis,is-m.=club,cudgel'. Then your complete Latin training tells you that 'fustIS' has how many functions in the Latin language?
  7. You can see immediately that 'nolito' is what kind of a command form? ________ it comes from "nolo,nolle=I do not want, I refuse, I am unwilling' + INFIN.
  8. If "efferte" is a compound of: "ex+fero,ferre" then what is extraordinary in the command forms or that verb? ________ What is the reversed of 'efferte'? ________ And what other verbs have the same phenomenon?
  9. According to your sheet of special 'comparisons', what are the other degrees of that 'magis'?==
  10. Write out the exchange (which could have been had in Piazza Venezia ten minutes ago) in modern talk:
  11. What is the reversed of that: 'loquere' in l.3?= ________ And what is the reversed or the 'fustis' as used here?= ________ and of 'servi'?= ________
B] (and Rome's second great, less-funny comedian PVBLIVS TERENTIVS AFER [185-159 ante Chr.] here introduces a machinating slave and young man despairing over girl friends):
"PARMENO (servus): rem cognosces iram expedies, rursus in gratiam restitues. levia sunt quae tu pergravia esse in animum induxti tuum.
PAMPHILVS (adulescens): quid consolare me? an quisquam usquam gentiumst aeque miser? priusquam hanc uxorem duxi, habebam alibi animum amori deditum; tamen numquam ausus sum recusare eam, quam mi obtrudit pater"
[Hecyra III,1].
VOCAB. expedire=to loosen,unravel. in animum inducere=to bring to mind,think,convince. gentiumst=gentium est+usquam=anywhere in-of the world. uxorem ducere=to lead-marry a wife. dedo,ere=to dedicate,devote. obtrudere=to force-foist upon. alibi=elsewhere. quid=why?
  1. What does the 'quam' in l.5 have to mean?
  2. If you check the verb forms for: 'induco,ere' you will see that "induxtiÓ is a daily colloquial form for the full Latin: ________.
  3. You can also check your DICT. under: 'audeo...'=to dare, you find what forms for it? ________ There are about 7 such verbs in Latin called semi (1/2) deponents. Therefore 'ausus sum' must mean:
  4. what does "aequE" mean from the Latin adjective: 'aequus,a,um'? =
    How would the young man have said right there 'anyone more miserable than I' ??=
  5. From your 1st Exper. and general Latin knowledge, with what is that 'levia' agreeing here OR what is the antecedent of that 'quae'?
  6. You want to give your students the whole Latin story about that "consolare" in l.3. What kind of verb usually? what does it look like? what is it? what can it also be: ==
  7. And then you will point out the difference between: 'consolare' and 'recusare' below: ________ and encourage the students to persevere!
  8. How would Parmeno have said in l.2 'very light....very heavy'?=
  9. Your fresh version of the yesterday-eternal Latin talk:
C] (to conclude Terentius presents the eternal encounter of old boy-girl friends LATINE):
"ANTIPHILA (virgo): videon Cliniam an non? BACCHIS: quem vides? CLINIA (adulescens): Salve, anime mi. ANTI.: O mi Clinia, salve. CLIN.: Ut vales? Anti.: salvum venisse gaudeo. CLIN.: Teneone te, Antiphila, maxUme animo exspectatam meo?" [HEAUTON II,4].
VOCAB. videon=videoNE: do I see or not? an non=or not. ut HERE=how? teneone=Am I holding or not. salvum venisse=you have come safe.
  1. From the verb: 'exspectare=to await', what does "exspectata" mean alone? ________ agreeing here with: ________.
  2. What is that: 'anime mi'? ________ its reversed:= ________
  3. From your memory or list what must "maxUme-maxIme" mean in Latin?
  4. What form-case are: "Clinia" and "Antiphila"? ________ their reversed?
  5. Your delicate version of the lovely human talk of 2100 years ago:

Third Experience Latin - Fr. Reginald Foster

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