Third Experience - Homework 24-25

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§ One of the most colorful figures of the Reformation period is the German humanist who changed sides: catholic-lutheran-catholic and had a saintly sister 'Caritas', VILLIBALDVS PIRCKHEIMER [1470-1530]. Upon his conversion to the cause of Luther, whom he abandoned later, he wrote a virulent pamphlet against the Pope's theologian-representative in Germany: Ioannes Eck (Eckius) called: "Eckius Dedolatus" where in your DICT. the 'dedolatus' is going to have to mean:= ________ There he satirizes on Eck's faults - especially his time and behavior in the tavern!

a] (Eck calls for a doctor and his friends promise one from Nürnberg):
"AMICI: A nurinberga igitur medicos advocabimus; nam et illic amicos possides innumeros, Bilibaldum scilicet illum et animae tuae dimidium, utriusque iuris Dolorem.
ECKIUS: Dolorem dicitis? AMICI: doctorem dicere volesamus.
ECKIUS: Quemnam? Haud enim satis intellego.
AMICI: glorrosum illums insulsum, supinum, arrogantem cuius pater cuius mater... nostin?
ECKIUS: Quidni noverim, cuius nuper interfuerim nuptiis...quo etiam in explorandis Lutheranis negotiis pro speculatore usus sum, nam illi se amicum fingebat. Verum Bilibaldo haud admodum confido, nam et ipse Lutheranus est.
AMICI: Nos vero illum tibi amcissimum putabamus.
ECKIUS: Ita simulabat scelestus ille, et ego ferme credebam, sed haud adeo pridem illius ad me clanculum delata est epistula, in qua inter reliqua sophistam me gloriosum et Graecarum litterarum ignarum appellavit. AMICI: Verene?
ECKIUS: Verissime, sed epistulam illam numquam ad me perventuram arbitrabatur. Ego vero data opportunitate probe me de homine ulciscar, nunc vero dissimulare et 'motos praestat componere fluctus' [Vergilius].
AMICI: Sapienter, ut cuncta, ne malum accumules et umeris tandem impar onus imponas".

VOCAB. quem+NAM: for emphasis. haud=not at all. quidNI=why not. speculator=spy. illi=Luthero. haud adeo pridem=not that long ago. clanculum (ADVERB!)=secretly. vereNE: truely or not? praestare=to be better. accumulare=pile up. impar=oversized.

  1. If the verb is: "explorare-1:to investigate", then for you the expression: 'in explorandis negotiis' must mean exactly? ________ what kind of a participle did we call that verbal form? ________ is it active or passive? ________
  2. The verb in Latin: "[nosco,ere], novi notus=to come to know" is practically not found in T.1.2.3in; 1.2s. So the other times must have simple present...meaning. What T. do you see in "noverim"? ________. If it is going to have present meaning and is the main verb, then it will sound how? ________
    And you can also understand: "nostin='novisti-ne'" [colloquial contractions!] meaning with a present sense?
  3. The "verum" and frequent "vero" here in Pirckheimer do not mean 'truly' but rather (cf. DICT.?)=
  4. If the verb is: "defero,deferere,detuli,delatum=to deliver" - then what does 'delatus,a,um' mean alone? ________ and in the combination: "delata est"?= ________
  5. The expression: "data opportunitate" is very soon going to be an ablative absolute, but if you take the words according to their meaning exactly, it will sound:
  6. From the verb: 'pervenire=to arrive', then "perventuram" must have as its natural meaning:
  7. Give all the participles possible in Latin from the verb: 'moveo,ere' and their natural meaning:
    'motos' agreeing with ________
  8. If the 'ne' in the last line means: "lest,that not" in a purpose-final clause, then the following verbs will have what meaning written out?
  9. The verb is (IV Exper.): "utor,uti,usus=to use,employ" - then give all the possible participles of it and their natural meaning:
    Here 'usus sum' from last year must mean:= ________ your DICT. will tell you its object is commonly put in the ABL., which is found where in the text? ________
  10. The verb: "intersum,inter-esse, interfui=to be among-present at" +DAT. of its object. What T. do you see in that "interfuerim" ________. As in a simple relative clause for a certain reason, it must sound:
  11. A few words may have to be consulted in DICT. but you can get the rest and all easily:

B] (a short passage where Eckius discusses things with his confessor):
"ECKIUS: Sed in eo quoque Martinus [lutherus] iniurrus est, quod imperitae et profanae multitudini indulgentiarum arcana et mysteria vere celanda prodere et imposturas appellare audet. An non videmus incipere laicos tandem sua sponte sapere et acutius quam magistri nostri vellent* cernere?
Sed in hoc capital facit, quod purgatorium negat non solum in summi pontificis et Romanorum procerum detrimentum, sed cunctorum theologorum perniciem.
AUDITOR: Improbus ille qui animarum salutem et non pecuniae lucrum publicum existimat commodum!
ECKIUS: Sed nec hoc ferendum est, quod theologicam factionem lacessere volentibus Erasmi instar ducem praesere videtur (Luth.)
AUDITOR: Sed numquid Erasmus et Martinus theologi exsistunt?
ECKIUS: Ita videri volunt, cum nil minus sint".

VOCAB. cum=although+subjunc. prodere=to betray* impostura,ae-F.=deceit,trick. vellent*=would want. capital= a capital crime. proceres=nobiles. fero,ferre=to bear, tolerate. instar=the likeness.

  1. The full meaning of 'volentibus' all alone here (volo=I wish)?
  2. The formula 'ferendum est'?
  3. Translate:

Third Experience Latin - Fr. Reginald Foster

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