Latin Links and Resources
Please feel free to submit updates and corrections. Obviously, I have focused just on resources and links about the Latin language that are in English.
Fr. Reginald Foster
Online Latin Resources (Free)
Printed Books for Purchase
- A brief survey of Latin learning resources by Catholic World Report highlights a number of books and courses:
- Great Courses series Latin 101: Learning a Classical Language hosted by Professor Hans Friedrich Mueller $$
- George Sharpley’s Teach Yourself: Beginner’s Latin book with audio CDs; or FREE in the app
- Satura Lanx Youtube channel and podcasts - Simplices” lectures on learning to speak Latin
- Memoria Press produces rigorous and reliable books, workbooks, and supplements - good for home-schooling $
- traditional books: Wheelock’s Latin (for ambitious, self-starter), Henle’s Latin series (Father Robert Henle’s systematic grammar with pious meditations), Hans Ohrberg’s Familia Romana (immersion method, with supplemental materials e.g. Student’s Companion, Bible stories, Roman Speeches)
- Scorpio Martianus Youtube hilarious Latin interviews, songs and more
- and our own, the extraordinary Father Reginald Foster’s Ossa Latinitatis Sola
New Resources: the app Tinycards (iOS | Android) has numerous free decks of Latin flashcards and the website has games and lists for memorizing Latin words. - Credit: Free Language Learning Apps + Websites
Online Latin Courses
- The Latin Experience with Fr. Foster
- Notes and worksheets from two years with Fr. Reginald Foster
- Beginner's Latin - UK National Archives
- Two whole series of brief lessons, but with a steep learning curve.
- Latinum
- Latinum is unique, as it is an immersion course taught as a living, spoken language. Latin recordings of simple texts, vocabulary, grammatical exercises, etc.
- Latinum youtube channel
- Latin Study list
- Mailing lists dedicated to the study of Latin, but providing regular translation exercises.
- Latin the Easy Way
- Useful and fun, though unfinished, it's free and good to read.
- Schola Latina Universalis
- A free, 2 year, online course for learning Latin (the Textbook is not free)
- R.M. Kephart
- Web-based weekly courses for homeschoolers ($) (also some Latin links and prayers)
- Carmenta - Online Latin Classroom
- An interactive, online classroom ($).
- Picta Dicta - online platform designed to assist teachers and home educators offer a Classical Education ($)
- Latin Live Class - weekly online class to build Latin reading skills using the Latin Bible and Lingua Latina ($)
- Latinum Audio School Curriculum (on Patreon) - stream / download audio of various Latin textbooks ($).
- Lily Hart, a professional Latin educator and avid classicist, offers customized, professional online Latin tutoring.
- Latin Schools
- Familiae Sancti Hieronymi: Cenaculum Miamiense - yearly Cenaculum, a week-long immersion retreat of speaking and understanding Latin.
- North American Institute for Living Latin Studies
- Latin immersion programs
- Association for Latin Teaching (ARLT)
- - National Committee for Latin and Greek). See their Rules for Reading Latin Prose among their downloads.
- Latin Teaching Materials at St. Louis University. Many incredible resources to explore
Latin Groups and Forums
Latin News
Online Latin Dictionaries
Online Latin Grammars
Latin Documents and Sources
More online Latin texts and links
Other Sites of Latin Links
Latin Podcasts, Music, Recordings and Songs
Computer Software
This ends the online section - here are print resources that can be bought
Textbooks / Grammars to help learn Latin
Reginald Foster’s first book OSSA LATINITATIS SOLA was released on September 8, 2015!
Most advanced students will eventually want the classic Gildersleeve & Lodge (Recommended by Fr. Foster) or Allen & Greenough (see online version!) - but these are generally too advanced for beginners.
- Getting Started with Latin: beginning Latin in a gradual, systematic way for Homeschoolers or self teaching. Includes free MP3 recordings.
- Minimus, the Primary Latin Course for elementary school students
- Latin for Children includes songs, workbooks, activities, etc.
- Wheelock's Latin 6th ed - classic Latin grammar
- Latin Grammar: for the Reading of the Missal and Breviary by Cora Carroll & Charles Scanlon plus Second Latin: for Philosophy, Theology and Canon Law
- Henle Latin: First Year by Robert Henle, S.J., Second Year (there are 4 years total, with grammar book), Email Support Group and Other Latin Books
- A Primer of Ecclesiastical Latin by John F Collins - for learning Latin as used by the Church. (Some Answer Keys and Flash Cards)
- Memoria Press produces Latina Christiana a beginning course for students of all ages, with Teacher Manuals and DVDs
- A Latin Grammar by James Morwood - Simple enough for a beginner, but has enough material for the intermediate student also.
- Our Latin Heritage by Lillian Hines
- Jenney's Latin by Charles Jenney
- Latin for Americans by Ullman
- The Everything Learning Latin Book - Richard E. Prior
- * Lingua Latina per se illustrata: Famila Romana - Hans H. Orberg
- A multivolume series with a total immersion, Latin-only approach. The book progresses from easy to more complex Latin, and you obtain the meaning by the context and the pictures and the marginal notes. Learn to read Latin, not just translate Latin. The publisher has a number of resources and supplements.
- For self-teaching / home-schooling, get Lingua Latina: A College Companion by Jeanne Neumann, which parallels "Famila Romana" on a chapter-by-chapter basis with explanations of all the concepts, study tips, vocab lists, etc.
- * Read an article which recommends this method of learning
- Ecce Romani
- This series also uses a similar immersion approach to the Latin language. Like Lingua Latina, the stories may be more geared to students than adults and start off rather basic, but soon you will find your grammatical skills naturally growing thanks to this innovative style of learning. Teachers' Corner with many Ecce Romani materials
- Reading Latin by Peter Jones and Keith Sidwell
- An inductive text for adults (like the Cambridge Latin Course (CLC) which is aimed more for children)
- Peter Jones is also the author of the recommended book Learn Latin - one of the best quick-start introductions to Latin, including answer keys for the self-student.
- Teach Yourself Latin by Gavin Betts
- A deductive text written with the independent learner in mind. Clear and concise gives a solid foundation in classical Latin. The learning curve is a little steep for someone with little prior knowledge of grammar.
- Oxford Latin Course by Maurice Balme, James Morwood
- A three volume course that tries to keep the grammar lessons short and more time spent reading and immersed in Latin vocabulary than memorizing, designed for the self-learner or a classroom.
- Kennedy's Revised Latin Primer by Benjamin Kennedy
- A starting reference grammar, a reasonably concise work that describes the essential history, phonology, morphology, syntax and prosody of classical Latin. Not as exhaustive (or overwhelming) as works like Gildersleeve & Lodge or Allen & Greenough (online!)
- Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc.
- Has numerous Latin Books, Readers, References and Textbooks for all levels, including modern books and children's books (Dr. Seuss in Latin!), Latin Readings by Gertrude Drake, Bradley's Arnold Latin Prose Composition, and a reprint of the 1908 classic New Latin Grammar by Charles E. Bennett (see online version).
- Cattus Petasatus: The Cat in the Hat in Latin and Virent Ova! Viret Perna! (Green Eggs and Ham in Latin)
- They also publish the reference recommended by Fr. Foster to all his advanced students: Gildersleeve's Latin Grammar
- Learn to Read Latin by Keller & Russel Yale Language Series textbook with many readings from original Latin texts. Together with an equally mammoth Workbooks containing many grammar drills.
- Power-Glide Latin Ultimate Course (see their website)
- Uses a conversational approach to Latin, with workbooks, tests, audio CDs and much more (puzzles, games, stories, music).
These didn't really fit in anywhere else:

Please support The Amy High Latin Scholarship, a fund established to enable Latin teachers to study with Fr. Foster.