Haec veniat avis prolemque ministret,
ludat et ante tuos turba novella pedes.
[May] this bird come and provide offspring, and a new crowd play before your feet.
In the line of this prayer from the Sacramentary, the object comes first and the verb last! (ignore the part in brackerts)
Quia filios, [quos longe peccati crimen abstulerat], per sanguinem Filii tui Spiritusque virtute, in unum ad te denuo congregare voluisti:
You wanted to gather to yourself together in one the children through the blood of your Son and the power of the Spirit.
TITVS MACCVS PLAVTVS [254-184 ante Chr.]
Plautus splits words apart, but from the endings you will see go together: noster magister, nostrae curiae.
Nam noster nostrae qui est magister curiae
dividere argenti dixit nummos in viros;
He who is our leader of our senate decided to divide the coins of silver among the men.