Lesson 17: Verb Groups

Learning to recongnize the different groups of vebrs

There are 4 principal verb groups, and one must be able to distinguish them to form Times 1-3.
The verb groups are distingushed by vowel groups when looking at the second principal part of the verb (the infinitive) in your dictionary.
Verb GroupEnding
Group 1 - Verbs where the second principal part has a long "A"
E.g. canto, cantAre - to sing; probo, probAre - to approve
Group 2 - Verbs where the second principal part has a long "E"
E.g. luceo, lucEre - to shine; gaudeo, gaudEre - to rejoice; maneo, manEre - to remain; moneo, monEre - to warn
Group 3- Verbs where the 2nd principal part has a short "e" (or short "i")
E.g. dico, dicêre - to say; mitto, mittêre - to send; facio, facêre - to make / do; veho, vehêre - to carry

Group 4 - Verbs where the 2nd principal part has a long "I"
E.g. sentio, sentIre - to feel; audio, audIre - to hear

Now go on to Lesson 18


See a list of Verbs you will be learning, sorted into these groups.

"It's the simplest thing in the world" - Fr. Foster

First Experience Latin - Fr. Reginald Foster

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