Homework 5

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After the time of the poet Tibullus there came the most prolific, polished, silk writer of sentimental-love-elegiac verses, PVBLIVS OVIDIVS NASO [43 ante - 18 post Chr.]. Here he gives you some quasi-proverbs from his thousands of smooth lines.

A] "Quid folia arboribus*, quid pleno* sidera caelo*, in freta collectas alta quid addis aquas?" [Amores II,10,13-14].
Vocab. quid=why? *arboribus=to trees. *pleno...cielo=to a full heaven.

  1. If the noun (of a second group to be learned soon) is: "sidus-N.=star,constellation, then what should-may you see in that 'sidera'?
  2. If the word is: "fretum-n.=channel-of-water,strait - then with what adjective does it connect here? ________. There next week: IN - will mean 'into'+object.
  3. If the adjective-participle is: 'collectus,a,um=collected,gathered', then here it must agree with what noun? ________. That combination must function as what in the second verse?
  4. After you have analyzed the two lines [folium,i-n.=leaf], you can tell us what the main-only verb here is: ________, which is present time, and whose subject is ________.
  5. Give your own smooth version of the neat comparison of Ovid about useless activity:
  6. Put a few new things together, verb first + say: "The honest [probus,a,um] inhabitants [incola,ae-m.] add good-things [bonus,a,um] toward dear-people [carus,a,um] within the small [parvus,a,um] villages [oppidum,i-n.; vicus,i-m. use both + proper adjective].

B] "Nox et Amor vinumque nihil moderabile suadent. Illa pudore vacat; Liber Amorque metu". [Amores I,6,59-60].
Vocab. suadere=to suggest: present here. nihil=nothing. illa: that-Night. Liber=god-of wine. Amor=love-sex. pudore=from shame; metu=from fear.

  1. Explain briefly the problem with the Latin connective: '---que'.
  2. If the word in your DICT. is: "vaco,are=to be free" and here is present, then the realistic lines must mean exactly:
  3. Give some other Latin ways to express: amor vinumque:=
  4. How will you say with Ovid: "Ye sober dinner-guests [conviva,ae-m.] are free from fear, because [quia] among sober dinner-guests wine suggests not bad-things [malus,a,um] but happy-things (iucundus,a,um)":

C] "Ut fugiunt aquilas - timidissima turba - columbae utque fugit visos agna novella lupos, sic illae* timuere viros sine more ruentes" [Ars Amatoria 1,177-119]
Vocab. ut=just-as. sic=so. fugio,ere=to flee,escape: here present. illae*=those women. sine more=without habit,custom,precedent. irruentes=rushing-in.

  1. The subject of: 'fugiunt'= ________; and of 'fugit'= ________.
  2. Many people think that "viros" comes from "virUS" (N.!!!), which means: ________, but you know that that is impossible and the form here comes from:
  3. If: 'visus,a,um=having been seen,spotted', then it agrees with ________, as what function in the sentence?
  4. If 'timuere'=they have feared, then the description of these women's behavior in Ovid will sound exactly in the vernacular: (the vocab. here is common,essential)
  5. Say with Ovid's style: "We eagles do not flee doves and you do not flee the wolf having been seen, but why does he (express the pronoun) flee the Latin language [lingua,ae-f.] and she flee the best (optimus,a,um) studies [studium,i-n.; disciplina,ae-f. use both with proper adjective]?" ==

D] "Nox erat et somnus lassos submisit ocellos. terruerunt animum talia visa meum" [Amores iii,5,1-2].
Visum,i-n.=sight,vision. talia=such:

  1. The subject of 'terruerunt' (to terrify: in the past) must be: ________, and the subject of 'submisit' (to oppress, put down: past) must be: ________. if the 'meum' here agrees with ________, then the adjective: lassus,a,um=tired, must agree with ________.
  2. What is the problem with the PL.-reversed of: 'animUM'?
  3. What is the difference in Latin between: 'somnus,i-m.' and 'somnium,i-n.'??
  4. Give your best version of the beginning here of Ovid's account of a bad dream:
  5. Then you can add: "Ye tired teachers [magister,magistri-m.; magistra,ae-f.] have put-down (**) your (vester,tra,trum) limbs (membrum,i-n.) after (post+object) long classes (schola,ae-f.) and many (multus,a,um in pl.) "ludi domestici" having been seen":

E] "Vina parant animos faciuntque *caloribus aptos: cura fugit multo diluitirque mero" [Ars Amatoria i,237-238]. vocab. *caloribus=for heats,heat-waves. multo...mero=with much vine. diluitur=is diluted,washed-away. parare=to prepare,equip. aptus,a,um=suited,apt.

  1. Without any special questions you can give your professional version of the wise advice of Ovid:

First Experience Latin - Fr. Reginald Foster

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