Homework 25
ยง It is agreed by all that the greatest mind-light-leader of the literary and intellectual renaissance of the 1450-1550 period was DESIDERIVS ERASMVS ROTERODAMVS [1466-1536] who wrote volumes of innumerable works of solid content and magnificent Latinity. Among the writings he published to TEACH LATIN are about 100 pages of "Colloquia Familiaria" where people talk about everything possible with every possible Latin phrase and idiom. Here you have four men who after an absence of 40 years meet in a carriage going to Antverp and narrate all that has happened to them in that same period.
A] "POLYGAMVS: Salve, multum exoptate Eusebi! GLYCION: Bene sit tibi, vir optime. EUSEBIVS: Salvete vos omnes *una salute*, pariter mihi carissima capita! Quis deus - aut casus +deo felicior+ - nos coniunxit? Nam nemo $nostrum vidit alium annis opinor, iam quadraginta. Quid hic agitis? PAMPIRVS: sedemus. EVSEBIVS: video, sed qua de causa? POLYGAMVS: operimur currum qui nos devehat Antverpiam".
VOCAB. most of the lively talk here is obvious! but here are some helps: exoptatus=longed-awaited for. sit=may it be. *una salute*=with one greeting. mihi=to me. pariter=equally. +deo felicior+=or more fortunate than god. $nostrum=of us. currus=carriage. devehat=may bring.
- If you can imagine a Latin verb: "operio,operire=to make to wait, put in expectation", then what form do you see in that verb here: "operimuR"?= ________. From the same form you can quickly give us the forms for: "she is made to wait"= ________ "ye are made to wait"= ________ "they are made to wait"= ________
- What use-function do you see in the forms here: "salve - salvete"?
- If you can imagine a Latin verb: "opino,are=be brought to an opinion" then you can see in that 'opinoR' what meaning? ________ and what will be its reversed? ________
- Your DICT. is going to give you: "caput"=head, PERSON, and therefore the neat phrase 'carissima capita' is going to have to mean:=
- If that "currum" is in fact an object of 'operimur', then you can write out the bit of living Latin of 500 years ago:
- What kind of pedagogical trick did we learn in class for turning the active verb forms into passive ones? ________ in ONLY what verb Times did that trick have any validity? ________ with that in mind give the other two Times we learned with the trick for the forms here: "operimuR"= ________, ________ "opinoR"= ________, ________
B] "EVSEBIVS: Ac mihi videor repubescere. POLYGAMVS: Quot annos supputatis, *ex quo* Lutetiae conviximus? EVSEBIVS: Arbitror - haud pauciores quadraginta duobus. PAMPIRVS: Tum videbamur omnes aequales. EVSEBIVS: Ita ferme eramus aut - si quid erat discriminis - perpusillum erat. PAMPIRVS: At nunc quanta inaequalitas!".
VOCAB. repubesco=I become a youth again. supputare=to calculate. *ex quo*=from which time. convivere=to live together. Lutetiae=in Paris. haud paucioes=not less. ferme=almost. quid=anything.
- What form-use do you see in that "discriminis"? ________ found in DICT. _________, and meaning: difference, distinction.
- When you see such forms as here: 'videoR' and 'videbamuR', what do you think-calculate? FIRST - what are the reversed of those two words of Erasmus? [your passive trick should make that very easy: WHY? how can you think backward and then get the right answer?
SECOND: give the other two times with the active-passive trick for those same two forms:=
THIRD: give the 'they' forms for the three trick-times for the same verb:
- The verb: "video,ere---" means: ________, in the passive it is going to be naturally 'to be seen', but also in english to SEEM. Write out this part of the dialogue faith fully: [N.B. 'arbitror' is in your DICT. with special meaning later this year]
- SAY quickly using the active-passive trick: "ye, who were being seen-seeming the lazy [piger,pigra,pigrum] disciples (discipulus,i-m.) of our school [scola;ludus] will be seen-seem soon to be the most diligent [diligentissimus,a,um] of all the disciples":
C] "EVSEBIVS: Dic* mihi bona fide+ - nulla sentis incommoda senectutis quae feruntur esse plurima? GLYCION: Somnus aliquanto deterior est nec perinde tenax memoria, nisi si quid infixero"
VOCAB. dic=command form (irregular) for: 'dico,dicere'. bona fide+=good faith. incommodum,i-n.=inconvenience. deterior=worse. nisi si=unless. quid=something. aliquanto=a little bit. sentire=to feel. plurimus,a,um=very many. infigo=to nail.
- If the verb is "fero,fer[e]re,tuli,latus=to bear, to REPORT, tell", then what do you see in 'feruntur'? ________ what the original verb and give the other two times we have learned with the same subject:=
How will you say with the same verb: "ye are reported"= _______ "I shall be reported"= _______ "you were being reported"=
- Consider the combination: "tenax memoria" which must mean: _______ and then give its reversed= ________ you can also give us the "OF" form in the sing.= ________ and pl. [80%]= ________
- Your own version of the simple Latin in the mouth of Erasmus' old men:
D] (at the end of the ride the coachmen comment on the elderly passengers)
"HENRICUS: Sed hi seniculi boni sunt. HUGUTIO: qui scis? HENRICUS: quia per eos ter bibi per viam cervisiam insigniter bonam".
VOCAB. seniculus,i-n.=little old-man. qui=how. cervisia=beer.
First Experience Latin - Fr. Reginald Foster
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