Homework 24
§ Of the two bodies of canon-church law now in force throughout the Roman-Catholic Church: the Western Code: 1983, and the Eastern Code: 1990 - by far the Eastern Code has the better Latin texts as the work of one Latin expert not the botched job of a crowd of clowns.
A] If you are careful and read the text a number of times, following the VOCAB. and answering the questions, you can understand perfectly and correctly render a nice long sentence of the eastern code on the appointment of bishops:
"Candidatos, saltem tres, ad officium Episcopi eparchialis, Episcopi coadiutoris vel Episcopi auxiliaris extra fines territorii Ecclesiae patriarchalis implendum Synodus Episcoporum Ecclesiae patriarchalis ad normam canonum +de electionibus+ Episcoporum eligit".
VOCAB. saltem=at least. eparchialis,e=eparchal: belonging to local governing bishop. Episcopus,i-m.=over-seer = bishop. coadiutor,oris-m.=helper, coadiutor. auxiliaris,e=auxiliary,helping. implendous,a,um=to-be-performed,carried-out. synodus,i-f.=assembly, synod. +de electionibus+=concerning the elections. patriarchalis,e=belonging to the patriarch, patriarchal. candidatus,i-m.=candidate, aspirant. canon,onis-m.=rule, canon.
- If the word is: 'officium,i-n.=office,duty' and 'canon,onis-m.=rule', then point out to your students the problem in Latin functions with "officiUM" and "canonUM":
What is the reversed form for those two words as used here?
- You read through the text ten times and then point out the fine style of the Latin by indicating the subject: ________, verb: _________, object: __________.
- Your Latin training gave you how many [so far!!!] uses-functions for the form: 'patriarchalIS' ?
- Your good Latin eye tells you that the word 'implendum' must agree with: _________.
- So that you may not lose too much time, I'll tell you that the two "ad' here have different meanings here, which you can verify in your DICT. 'ad' L.1=for,to; 'ad' in L.3=according to. no ______ yes ______.
- Now you can direct your Latin or law students to the perfect rendition of the smooth modern text:
- Reverse: 'Ecclesiae patriarchalis'= ________ 'ad officium Episcopi eparchialis'= ________
- ADD a short sentence on your own: "Because (quoniam+indicative) many of our associates (socius,i-m.) and colleagues [sodalis,is-c:20%] were learning [disco,ere] church (use: ecclesiasticus,a,um and ecclesialis,e) laws [use: lex,legis-f. and ius,iuris-n. with those two adjectives properly], they were desiring [cupio,cupere: III+IV but treated as verb Gp. IV] to taste (gusto,are) the real [verus,a,um] nature (indoles,is-f.) of canonical (canonicus,a,um) talk [sermo,sermonis-m.]".
B] "Episcopus eparchialis aut Superior maior notitiam sacrae ordinationis *uniuscuiusque* diaconi mittat* ad parochum apud quem ordinati baptismus adnotatus est".
VOCAB. *uniuscuiusque*=_of each. mittat* here: subjunctive:'---should send'. parochus,i-m.=pastor. ordinatio,onis-f.=ordination. diaconus,i-m.=deacon. adnotare=to mark down.
- From your preliminary introduction to the passive voices what vernacular-English meanings did we give to the times 4a and 4b in the passive: which meanings can be attached to the 'adnotatus est' here =
- If the subject of that 'mittat' is ________, then the object is ________.
- If the verb is 'ordino,are=to ordain', then the form: "ordinatus,a,um" all must mean: ________ and the form 'ordinatI' can function in Latin as what? ________ here it must be: _________, and must mean in several English words:
- The exact meaning of the simple out neat Latin: (Superior maior=Major Superior):
- If in the text the reversed of that 'ordinationis' is: ________ then the reversed of that 'eparchialis' must be: ________.
C] "Ecclesiasticae studiorum universitates et facultates sunt quae +ab auctoritate compitenti ecclesiastica canonice+ erectae vel approbatae scientias sacras et scientias *cum eisdem* conexas excolunt et tradunt".
VOCAB. +ab auct. comp. eccles. canon+=by the competent ecclesiastical authority canonically. *cum eisdem*=with the same. excolere=to cultivate. tradere=to teach.
- From the simple and obvious Latin verbs, what will be the full meaning for the forms 'erectae' (erigere), 'approbatae' (approbare), 'conexas' (conectere):
- Reverse the first three words here:
- What is the form for T.3 for the verbs here: 'sunt' ________, 'tradunt' ________.
What are the reversed forms for those two verbs:
- Your faithful version of the oriental text:
D] "Textum legum declarationum el decretorum, quae +in conventu eparchiali+ data sunt episcopus eparchialis communicet* cum auctoritate".
VOCAB. communicet* here is subjunctive: '---should,must,may'. +in con. epar.+=in the diocesan meeting.
- If 'data sunt' is the passive form for T. 4a and 4b, then what exact vernacular meanings is it going to have? (do,dare=to give,issue):
- If the word is: "textus":text,writing, and the word is 'lex,legis-f. - declaratio', then point out the problem with those "---um" endings:
- If the subject here is ________, then the object is ________, and the canon means exactly:
- Reverse: 'decretORUM':
First Experience Latin - Fr. Reginald Foster
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