Homework 23
§ Begin with your own Latin introductory sentence according to the instructions:
"The voice of our cruel (crudelis,e) teacher [magister; praeceptor,doctor] has ordered (iubeo,ere...) the thoughts [cogitatio,onis-f.] of our lazy [USE both: piger,pigra,pigrum
AND 'segnis,et'-80%] brains [cerebrum] to compose [compono; contexo...] the first
sentence of today's (hodiernus,a,um) writing [scriptio,onis-f.] through our own [noster...] simple (simplex (simplics)) words which will indicate [indicare] the serious
(gravis,e) theme [argumentum,i-n.] which the time of the year presents (exhibere; proponere)":
A] The LITURGIA ROMANA PAVLI VI brings us immediately into the celebration of the pre-easter time: 'quadragesima,ae-f.:lent'. From the blessing of the sacred ashes on Wednesday, March 5:
"Deus, qui non mortem sed conversionem desideras peccatorum, preces nostras clementer
exaudi et hos* cineres, quos +capitibus nostris+ imponi decernimus, benidicere (pro tua pietate) dignare".
VOCAB. clementer=mercifully. hos*=these ( +cap. nostris+=onto our heads.
imponi=to be placed. dignare HERE=imperative-command: Deign! condescend! (pro tua pie=according to your goodness). decernere=to decide. exaudire=hear-graciously.
- Where do you find the following Latin words in your DICT. 'cineres': _________,
'preces': _________, 'mortem': ________.
- If the word here (cf. VOCAB!) "peccatorum" comes from: 'peccatum' then it means= ________
and its reversed is: ________ if it comes from 'peccator' then it
means ________ and its reversed is: ________
- What is the verb which connects with "qui" in L.1? ________. That makes "Deus" function as what of what in the sentence? ________ "quos" connects with: _______.
- What is the difference in Latin between: "exaudii-exaudivi"= ________
and 'exaudi'= ________. Reverse both of them in order:
- What two words in the text are being connected by that "et" in L.2?
- Where are you going to put that 'peccatorum' (depending on..) in your version?
- Give your own personal version which you may use some day to explain things to
- Give the alternative command form (B) for that 'exaudi': ________.
- Say in your own super-tight Latin sentence: [ONLY - 8 - words]:
"I shall be graciously-hearing those-people who will have imposed [impono,ere]
holy ashes (cinis,eris-m.) over [TWO Latin prep.] their (suus,a,um) heads [caput...]"
- By the way an old (gloomy) Latin saying about life and death goes this way:
'Fumus sumus finis cinis' meaning:
B] The 'Preces ad Laudes' of 'ash Wednesday' has one invocation which goes like this:
"Da nobis* mortificationem Filii tui in corpore nostro circumferre qui nos
vivificasti in corpore eius".
VOCAB. nobis*=to us. mortificatio,onis-f.=death,mortification. vivifico,are,vivificavi,vivificatum=to enliven,vivify,bring-to-life. do,dare,dedi,datum=to give.
- In the Latin language what different (how many? ________) uses-functions-meanings can the two words have: "filii tui"? explain=
- When you see: "vivificasti" (vivificavisti), you immediately think T.____, and reverse it:
- What is the main-principal verb here? ________ in what form-function? ________ what is the expressed Latin subject of that main verb? ________
- When you see 'qui vivificasti', then you conclude that "qui" is carrying what person in the story? ________ what is the antecedent of that "qui"? ________
- You have seen that 'eius' before, and will see it again. Give your own version of the new liturgical text: [N.B. give two English versions for that 'filii tui']
- What is the reversed of: 'da' here? ________ and its alternative: ________
- How would you add: 'immortal' [sempiternus,a,um AND immortalis,e] to that 'Filii
How would add: 'saving-salvatlon bring' [salutifer,era,erum AND salutaris,e] to that 'mortificationem'?
C] Some of the biblical antiphons used on this day and throughout lent:
- a) "Dele, Domine, iniquitatem meam". Domine=oh lord. delere=to destroy.
- meaning:
- the reversed of "dele"= ________? any English derivatives?
- b) "Adiuva nos, Deus salutaris nosier, et propter honorem nominis tui, Domine,
libera nos". salutaris=savior,salvation. adiuvare=to help. liberare=free
- meaning:
- reverse of "nominis tui" [80%]=
- c) "Memento, homo, quia pulvis es". quia HERE=that.
- meaning:
- reverse the whole line correctly:
D] One of the invocations at the 'Preces ad Vesperas':
"Dirige, Domine, *in voluntate tua* mentes populorum atque regentium, ut+ sincere ad
commune omnium bonum annitantur".
VOCAB. annitantur=they may strive-work. *in voluntate tua*=in your will. dirigere=to direct,guide. ut+=so that. regens,(regentis)=one-ruling. bonum,i-n.=the good, welfare.
- What gender do you see in that 'communE'? ________, agreeing with what noun? _________.
- What form-case do you see in the 'omnium' [omnis,e]? ________ Therefore, the reversed of the
phrase: 'ad communE omniUM bonUM' - is going to be for any even smierable Latinist:
- What function do you see in the "populorum atque regentium"? ________ reverse them:
- If some day the reversed of "DominE" will be 'Domini', then what is the reversed of
that "dirige"? ________ and "commune"? ________
- Your version:
First Experience Latin - Fr. Reginald Foster
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