Homework 23

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§ Begin with your own Latin introductory sentence according to the instructions:
"The voice of our cruel (crudelis,e) teacher [magister; praeceptor,doctor] has ordered (iubeo,ere...) the thoughts [cogitatio,onis-f.] of our lazy [USE both: piger,pigra,pigrum AND 'segnis,et'-80%] brains [cerebrum] to compose [compono; contexo...] the first sentence of today's (hodiernus,a,um) writing [scriptio,onis-f.] through our own [noster...] simple (simplex (simplics)) words which will indicate [indicare] the serious (gravis,e) theme [argumentum,i-n.] which the time of the year presents (exhibere; proponere)":

A] The LITURGIA ROMANA PAVLI VI brings us immediately into the celebration of the pre-easter time: 'quadragesima,ae-f.:lent'. From the blessing of the sacred ashes on Wednesday, March 5:
"Deus, qui non mortem sed conversionem desideras peccatorum, preces nostras clementer exaudi et hos* cineres, quos +capitibus nostris+ imponi decernimus, benidicere (pro tua pietate) dignare".
VOCAB. clementer=mercifully. hos*=these ( +cap. nostris+=onto our heads. imponi=to be placed. dignare HERE=imperative-command: Deign! condescend! (pro tua pie=according to your goodness). decernere=to decide. exaudire=hear-graciously.

  1. Where do you find the following Latin words in your DICT. 'cineres': _________, 'preces': _________, 'mortem': ________.
  2. If the word here (cf. VOCAB!) "peccatorum" comes from: 'peccatum' then it means= ________ and its reversed is: ________ if it comes from 'peccator' then it means ________ and its reversed is: ________
  3. What is the verb which connects with "qui" in L.1? ________. That makes "Deus" function as what of what in the sentence? ________ "quos" connects with: _______.
  4. What is the difference in Latin between: "exaudii-exaudivi"= ________ and 'exaudi'= ________. Reverse both of them in order:
  5. What two words in the text are being connected by that "et" in L.2?
  6. Where are you going to put that 'peccatorum' (depending on..) in your version?
  7. Give your own personal version which you may use some day to explain things to people:
  8. Give the alternative command form (B) for that 'exaudi': ________.
  9. Say in your own super-tight Latin sentence: [ONLY - 8 - words]: "I shall be graciously-hearing those-people who will have imposed [impono,ere] holy ashes (cinis,eris-m.) over [TWO Latin prep.] their (suus,a,um) heads [caput...]"
  10. By the way an old (gloomy) Latin saying about life and death goes this way: 'Fumus sumus finis cinis' meaning:

B] The 'Preces ad Laudes' of 'ash Wednesday' has one invocation which goes like this: "Da nobis* mortificationem Filii tui in corpore nostro circumferre qui nos vivificasti in corpore eius".
VOCAB. nobis*=to us. mortificatio,onis-f.=death,mortification. vivifico,are,vivificavi,vivificatum=to enliven,vivify,bring-to-life. do,dare,dedi,datum=to give.

  1. In the Latin language what different (how many? ________) uses-functions-meanings can the two words have: "filii tui"? explain=
  2. When you see: "vivificasti" (vivificavisti), you immediately think T.____, and reverse it:
  3. What is the main-principal verb here? ________ in what form-function? ________ what is the expressed Latin subject of that main verb? ________
  4. When you see 'qui vivificasti', then you conclude that "qui" is carrying what person in the story? ________ what is the antecedent of that "qui"? ________
  5. You have seen that 'eius' before, and will see it again. Give your own version of the new liturgical text: [N.B. give two English versions for that 'filii tui']
  6. What is the reversed of: 'da' here? ________ and its alternative: ________
  7. How would you add: 'immortal' [sempiternus,a,um AND immortalis,e] to that 'Filii tui'?=
    How would add: 'saving-salvatlon bring' [salutifer,era,erum AND salutaris,e] to that 'mortificationem'?

C] Some of the biblical antiphons used on this day and throughout lent:

a) "Dele, Domine, iniquitatem meam". Domine=oh lord. delere=to destroy.
the reversed of "dele"= ________? any English derivatives?
b) "Adiuva nos, Deus salutaris nosier, et propter honorem nominis tui, Domine, libera nos". salutaris=savior,salvation. adiuvare=to help. liberare=free
reverse of "nominis tui" [80%]=
c) "Memento, homo, quia pulvis es". quia HERE=that.
reverse the whole line correctly:

D] One of the invocations at the 'Preces ad Vesperas':
"Dirige, Domine, *in voluntate tua* mentes populorum atque regentium, ut+ sincere ad commune omnium bonum annitantur".
VOCAB. annitantur=they may strive-work. *in voluntate tua*=in your will. dirigere=to direct,guide. ut+=so that. regens,(regentis)=one-ruling. bonum,i-n.=the good, welfare.

  1. What gender do you see in that 'communE'? ________, agreeing with what noun? _________.
  2. What form-case do you see in the 'omnium' [omnis,e]? ________ Therefore, the reversed of the phrase: 'ad communE omniUM bonUM' - is going to be for any even smierable Latinist:
  3. What function do you see in the "populorum atque regentium"? ________ reverse them:
  4. If some day the reversed of "DominE" will be 'Domini', then what is the reversed of that "dirige"? ________ and "commune"? ________
  5. Your version:

First Experience Latin - Fr. Reginald Foster

Answers to First Experience

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