Homework 21-22
§ As announced and promised our next Latin days will be brightened by the brilliant verses-proverbs, examples of Rome's second poet laureate: QVINTVS HORATIVS FLACCVS [65-8 ante Chr.] who followed the first laureate poet PVBLIVS VERGILIVS MARO [70-19 ante Chr.] by a few years and with satires, lyric poetry, short gems of wisdom not Virgilean epic verses.
A] In his own immortal treatise on the rules of poetry: 'Ars Poetica' he prescribes:
"Non satis est pulchra esse poemata; dulcia sunto et quocumque volent animum auditoris agunto" [a.p.99-100].
VOCAB. +ago,agere here=drive, lead. +quocumque=whithersoever, to whateverplace.
- If the word in your DICT. is "poema,atis-n.", then what is deceptive about: 'poemA' and 'poematA'?
- If the verb is: volo - and can be treated as of Gp. III, then what Time must you see in Horace's form? and its 'ego' form will be: _________ (meaning: to wish,want)
-- By the way, there is another word in your DICT. 'volo,volare=fly'. With those two verbs you can make a clever saying for our times, understood by few, and write: "They were not flying, when [cum] they were wanting-to"!!!=
- Now you know that: 'auditor,oris-m.=hearer,listener' belongs to noun Bl._______, and that the second form given in the DICT. in fact functions as what? ________ You also learned the reversed of that: "auditoris"= ________ which must carefully be distinguished-separated from: 'auditorem' functioning as ________.
- From you first days of Latin, you can remind yourself WHY the DICT. even gives you that second form:=
- Your full and professional training in Latin will now mark you off from other Latinists and allow you to give the different USE and vernacular MEANING to the verbs here:
'SUNTO' [not to be confused with 'sunt': meaning ________ ]
'AGUNTO' [not to be confused with 'agunt': meaning ________ ]
-- then you can give the reversed for the forms of Horace (N.B. consulting your notes will help you learn all this!)=
- How do you find that adjective: 'dulcia' presented in your DICT.?
explain exactly what those elements tell-indicate to a consulting Latinist:
that will also help you to reverse Horace's 'dulciA poematA pulchrA':
Careful - but look what you and the Latin language have produced!
- Your own smooth and correct version of Horace's advice for your next poetic piece:
B] On the orders of Caesar Augustus, in 17 ante Chr. (Virgil is gone 2 years now), Horace composed a sublime national anthem for the "Ludi Saeculares" = 100 year jubilee games, which was called "Carmen Saeculare". you can understand and explain the first strophe - a genuine Roman prayer.
"Phoebe silvarumque potens Diana - lucidum caeli decus - o colendi semper et culti, date quae precamur tempore sacro" [C.S. 1-4]
VOCAB. +Phoebus=god of the sun; Diana=goddess of the moon:brother and sister. HERE: 'Phoebe'=Oh Phoebus-[Apollo]. +potens,entis=powerful-chief. +colendus,a,um=needing to be honored. +"precamur" (t.1)=we pray-for,beg.
- If the verb in your DICT. is "colo,ere,colui,cultus,a,um=to honor,cultivate" - then the form of Horace must mean alone here:
- You should be able to spot the main-principal verb here must be: ________, meaning exactly in the vernacular:= ________ [and reversed]: ________ and what does 'datis' mean in Latin [do,are,dedi=to give]?=
- Only your consultation of the Latin word: "decus", will allow you to explain that "lucidum": WHY? ________ and the reversed of the combination:==
- If the Latin nouns are: "silva,ae-f.=forest,woods" and "caelum,i-n.=sky,heaven" -- then what functions do you see in those words in the quote? ________ you can express that function in English also in another way: ________. The reversed of the words as used by Horace will be:
What was pointed out-stressed in class about the favorite 'position' of the "OF-possession form"? How is that confirmed here?
- If the VOCAB. given here interprets "precamur" then that 'quae' must be what gender-number-function?
BUT that brings up the eternal question: to what does the relative 'quae' relate here, how will that antecedent look in Latin, what will its function be? THINK-GROW-SHINE!!!
- If 'tempore sacro'=at the sacred time, then you can give your own sublime version of Horace's jubilee prayer:
- ADD the Latin adjective: 'grandis,e=big' here to: silvarum ________; decus ________; caeli ________; quae ________.
- Say in your own pagan sentence: "I heavenly Phoebus shall drive-lead (cf. above) the heavenly [supernus,a,um] dwellers (caeles,caelitis-c.) into noble (nobilis,e) seats [sedes,is-f.] Diana, [you] drive the earthly [terrenus,a,um and terrestris,e:use both] animals [animal,is-n. 20%] through the earthly forests!" =
C] Out at his Sabine [Subiaco] villa, Horace dedicated a pine tree to Diana (which we rededicate on the last day of every summer course:
"Montium custos nemorumque, Virgo, imminens villae* tua pinus esto" [III,22].
VOCAB. mons,montis-m.=mountain. nemus,oris-n.=grove. imminens,entis=over-hanging; villae=over the villa.
- Give the % for 'nemorum' ________ and reversed: ________; the % for 'montium' and reversed: ________.
- The difference in meaning between: 'est' = ________ and 'esto' = ________.
- If "pinus=FEM.", then give your version of this part of the dedication:
- The reversed of the second line [omit 'villae']:=
First Experience Latin - Fr. Reginald Foster
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