Homework 18
§ Before we get to the special author for today, we can now happily analyse-understand-appeciate a neat text of the LITVRGIA ROMANA PAVLI VI - 1975.
Quia fílios, quos longe peccáti crimen abstúlerat, per sánguinem Fílii tui Spiritúsque virtúte, in unum ad te dénuo congregáre voluísti".
Read that fine Latin a number of times follow the indications given here and then answer the questions carefully BEFORE giving your own version-translation.
VOCAB. peccati=of sin. Filii tui=of your son. Spiritus virtute=the power of the spirit. longe=far away. denuo=once-again.
- If the verb is: "aufero,auferre,abstuli,ablatum=to take away" then the meaning of the form there must be:= ________. If the verb is: "volo,velle,volui,volitum=to wish-want" then the meaning of form there must be:= ________. the reversed of those same two forms will be in order:=
- If the word in your DICT. is 'sanguis,sanguinis-m.=blood', then it belongs to what Latin noun groups according to our system? ________ and what function do you see used in the text? ________, which reversed will have to be:=
If the word in the DICT. is 'crimen,criminis-n.=crime,sin,accusation', then it can function in Latin as:= ________ and its reversed (80%) will be:=
--- what is the big problem with nouns of our Block II, especially when found in normal Latin literature? explain:
- When you see: "filios quos", what function does your Latin brain register? ________. If the reversed HERE of 'filios' is ________, then the reversed of 'quos' must be: _______.
- According to our first relative principle the verb that connects with "quos" is ________, and therefore 'filios' belongs where?
- I want to see your intelligence and language aptitude when you tell your students that after the initial "quia=because' (which causes no problem here at all!), the next word in Latin and your 2003 rendition must be: _______. THINK-READ and be happy!
- If the word is 'unum - one thing,unity-one-entity', then the "in" must mean:
And your notes-knowledge will give you a few translations for the: 'per'=
- Now give your own version for the world, which will be infinitely better than ISEL!!!:
- Modify the text - while keeping the word order - to say: "Because the children-sons, who took-away the crimes of sin through the truth (veritas,veritatis-f.) and the light [USE both: 'lumen,luminis-n.' and 'lux,lucis-f.'], wanted to gather-congregate people (homo,hominis-c.) into the community (communitas,communitatis-f.)":
§ Before he was elected the successor of the abdicating Pontiff Celestine V in 1294, as POPE BONIFATIUS VIII [1294-1303] Benedict Gaetani was a noted jurist and European light. He is responsible for 88 immortal "Regulae Iuris" still quoted in courts and the church.
A] "Ea, quae fiunt *a iudice*, si ad eius non spectant officium viribus+ non subsistunt". [Regula 26]
VOCAB. *a iudice*=by a judge. +viribus+=with forces-energies. si=if. fiunt=are done. eius: you have seen in Ludus 9+13= ________. spectare=to pertain,look,regard.
- According to our 'relative principles' the main verb here must be ________, and its subject must be ________.
- The noun that connects with that 'ad' is:
- Then you can give your own version for canon law class or law school at harvard:
- According to another 'relative principle', what word could be omitted here without doing anything to the meaning of the rule? ________. WHY? explain:
B] "Qui sentit onus, sentire debet commodum; et e contra". [Regula 55]
VOCAB. debeo,debere=to owe,ought,to-have-to+infinitive.
- If the word is: 'onus,oneris-n.=burden, weight, obligation', then explain why the form here is not: "onUM", if 'qui' functions as ________. explain=
And then from VOCAB. give the reversed of that 'onus'
- If the gender of "commodum" is ________, and the gender of "onus" is ________, and the gender of "qui" is ________. then to what does that relative pronoun relate-refer?
OR this way: the main verb here is ________, and the subject of that verb expressed in Latin will have to be: _________, according to the sentence. this is all essential Latin!!!
- What verb time do you find in 'sentiET'? ________, and 'debET'? ________. 'sentIT'? _________ and 'debebIT'? ________?
- The exact meaning of the rule in 2003 English is going to have to begin where?_______ and that meaning will be:
- What would change here if you read: "quae sentit onus sentire debet commodum"?====:
C] "Qui tacet, consentire videtur". [Regula 43 = perhaps the most famous].
VOCAB. videtur (later this year): he she it is seen=seems.
- How do i know what the subject of "videtur" is from the sentence? explain:
- How will you say in only 4 words: "ye women who are keeping silent, seem [HERE - 'videmini'] to be giving consent" =
D] "Quod omnes tangit debet *ab omnibus approbari". [Regula 29].
VOCAB. tango,ere=to touch,affect. *ab omnibus approbari=to be approved by all.
- The Latin word is: "omnis,is-C." then what can 'omnES' function as in Latin? ________ is it PL. or SING.? ________. Is "quod" SING. or PL.? ________. To what does that 'quod' refer? ________ how will that be expressed here in Latin and where will it be attached? [This is all essential!]
- Exact meaning:
- Reverse the whole line leaving the last 3 words alone:
First Experience Latin - Fr. Reginald Foster
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