Third Experience - Homework 2

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§ The approaching [Novem. 10] yearly feast day of the greatest Latin stylist among the Church Fathers, LEO MAGNVS [440-461 post Chr.], inspires us to study the music of his Latin discourse, and the correctness of his Latin usage.

A] on the first anniversary of his election to the papacy: Sept. 29, 441.
"Recurrente* igitur per suum ordinem die*, quo me Dominus episcopalis officii voluit habere principium, vera mihi in gloriam Dei est causa +laetandi qui mini ut multum a me diligeretur, multa dimisit, et ut mirabilem faceret§ gratiam suam, in eum munera sua contulit, in quo meritorum suffragia non invenit; quo opere suo Dominus quid cordibus nostris insinuat quidVE commendat? nisi ut de sua iustitia nemo praesumat et de ipsius misericordia nemo diffidat, quae tunc evidentius praeminet quando peccator sanctificatur et abiectus erigitur [sermo 2,1].
VOCAB. *recurrente...die* [in class this year!]=as the day recurs. quo= abl. time=on which. +laetandi=of rejoicing. ut [l.2,5-6]=in order that: followed by the subjunctive: '---may,might--'. dimittere=to forgive. diligere=to love,esteem. confero,conferre,contuli,collatus=to confer,bestow,contribute,grant. suffragium,i-n.= vote,support,good-mark. --VE [L.5]=OR. ipsius=eius. diffidere=to doubt,distrust. evidentius [soon in class]=more evidently,more clearly. praeminere=to stand out.

  1. What is the important difference in Latin between: "in gloriA Dei"= ________ and "in gloriAM Dei" [l.2]= ________
  2. From the verb: 'abicio,ere,abieci,abiectus=to cast off,reject', what does the verb form "abiectus" mean alone as here?
  3. If the verb is "insinuare-1: to insert,suggest,insinuate", then the words here: 'cordibus nostris' are going to have to be in what form-case? ________, meaning: ________ and here what will be the reversed? ________
  4. What different things can the Latin expression: "munera sua contulit" (munus=gift) mean? ________ what is tile only solution?
  5. If the word is: 'multus,a,um=much, many-PL.', then what is the full meaning for that "multa dimisit" ??=
  6. In Latin what is the essential difference between "nemo de sua iustitua praesumit" and "nemo de eius iustitia praesumit" ?? EXPLAIN:
  7. If "mihi" [l.2] means: ________, then give us quickly all the other Latin pronouns in the same form-case-use:
  8. What is the difference in Latin between: "ad me"= ________ and "a me"= ________
  9. Just for your review and practice, give the remaining 5 TIMES of the indicative with the same subject and voice which you see in 'sanctificatur' [sanctificare=to sanctify] AND in 'erigitur'=
  10. This is one Latin sentence which was spoken (not read!) and understood, because of progression-cadence of the individual phrases. You may wish to read it out loud in order to hear :eo talking to the faithful at St. John's on that day and to understand the beautiful talk: [N.B. 'voluit'=to wish; invenire=to find.]
  11. Give the difference in meaning:
    "abiectus erigor"= "abiecti erigentur"= "abiecta erigebatur"= "eratis a diabolo angelisque eius abiecti"= "sua stultitia sunt abiecti"= "tuis numquam abicieris a familiaribus"=
  12. If you take the verb given above [not to be found in classical Dictionaries??!!] 'sanctifico,are', then your full Latin training gives you so far two uses-meanings for the form 'sanctificare': which are=

    [[In this regard you may want to see-hear what Jesus of Nazareth said to his disciples about the strength of their faith: "Amen dico vobis: quicumque dixerit huic* monti - Tollere et mittere in mare, et non haesitaverit in corde suo...fiet ei" [Mc 11,23]
    *Huic.=to this. fio,fieri=to be done-made,become,happen.

    1. What Time do you see in: 'dixerit---haesitaverit'? ________, and you can give their reversed:=
    2. What can the form: 'ei' mean-function as in Latin? [asked on Ludus 1!]=
    3. If the verbs are: "tollo=I take-up,remove" and "mitto=I send,throw", then the Vulgate Scripture form CAN be what things in Latin? ________ Here? ________ and their reversed will therefore be: ________
    4. Exact meaning of the simple!!! scripture text: ]]

B] On the solemnity of Ss. Peter and Paul, June 29, 441: his first 'apostles' sermo:
"Hodierna festivitas praeter illam reverentiam quam toto* terrarum orbe* promeruit, speciali et propria nostrae urbis exultatione +veneranda+ est ut ubi praecipuorum apostolorum glorificatus est exitus, ibi in die martyrii eorum sit laetitiae principatus. Isti enim sunt viri per quos tibi evangelium Christi - Roma! - resplenduit"

  1. On our last 1st Exper. day, how did we present the word: "dies=day"? [sermo 82,1]. What will be the reversed of 'in die'?
  2. What were you warned about in the Latin form: 'specialI'? [specialis,e=special]? How does that apply here?
  3. If the word is: 'exitus,us-m.=outcome,exit,death,issue', then the reversed of "glorificatus est exitus" must be= ________ and it must mean [in T.____]=
  4. If the verb form soon to come in class, is: "venerandus,a,um=needing to be venerated", then here you must see it agreeing-going with: _________.
  5. If you take (as above): "ut...sit" [l.2-3] 'in order that there may be...', then Its subject is: ________.
  6. *toto terrarum orbe*=in the whole world. principatus,us=principality. isti=those there

Third Experience Latin - Fr. Reginald Foster

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