Third Experience - Homework 12

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§ A random selection or Latin texts from all ages confirms much of what has been recently presented and learned? in class.

A] The tomb of RAFFAELLO SANZIO in the Pantheon has a fantastic distich inscription written by the greatest Latinist of the day Petrus Bembo [1470-1547]. It begins this way:
"ÍLLE HIC ÉST RAPHAÉL...". Which first words can give two different vernacular versions:=

  1. If 'ille' in Latin functions as: ________, then what is the "light" word for 'that'? ________
  2. what word would probably sound and look bad for 'that'? ________
B] Rome's second poet laureate QVINTVS HORATIVS FLACCVS [65-9 ante Chr.] begins a poem to his girl Lyce:
Audivere, Lyce, di mea vota, di
audivere, Lyce fis anus, et tamen
vis formosa videri
ludisque et bibis impudens
VOCAB. di=dei: deus.
  1. What is the difference in Latin between: "anus,us-f."= ________ "annus,i-m."= ________ "anus,i'-m."= ________
  2. The passive verb-form for "facio,facere..." in Latin is separate: "fio,fieri,factus=to be made, become, happen", where you see that here it means: ________.
  3. If someday soon, that 'videri=to be seen,to seem' then what is the problem with it and "audivere"? explain:
  4. If the adjective is "impudens=shameless", then here it is of what gender? ________. what are its other degrees? ________ How would Horace have said: 'shamelessLY'?== ________
  5. Exact meaning of the verses: [vis: T.1. 'volo,velle']
  6. By the way: you can explain to your students why Horace did-could not write: 'fis anuM' and 'vis formosAM videri':
  7. Say in your own Latin: "You will be heard [in special form] by the gods and goddesses, o my dear Lyce, if you will have drunk more shamelessly than all these other old-women who have lost [amittere] their taste (gustus,us) and interest [studium,i-n.] in=of life itself":
C] The BIBLIA VVLGATA LATINA [150---1998] report the moving reply made by the Roman soldier to Jesus of Nazareth about to go and heal his sick child-slave:
"Tantum dic verbo et sanabitur puer meus. Nam et ego sum sub potestate, habens sub me milites et dico huic: 'Vade' et vadit et alii: 'Veni' et venit et servo meo: 'Fac hoc' et facit". [Mt.]
  1. The words of the vulgate have gone into christian-catholic talk: "But only say a-the word". What in fact is found in the Latin vulgate? explain=
  2. As far as Latin usages go, what would you say is the most difficult form-use to get right here and WHY?
  3. What is the reversed of that colloquial-useful: 'fac hoc' ??=
  4. You have been asked before and now again for the correct reversed of: 'vade': ________
  5. What gender can you see in that: 'huic'? ________ meaning?= ________ reversed: ________
  6. The Latin word: "tantum" in your DICT. has two apparently opposite meanings:=
  7. What can that Latin form: "alii" function as? ________ what possible gender is it here? ________ what would "alteri" mean instead:?= ________
  8. Your own version - outside the published ones!
D] In his work: 'De Mortalitate', one or the earliest Fathers of the Church CAECILIVS CYPRIANVS [200-258 post Chr.] has this about the nature of death:
"Quod interim morimur, ad immortalitatem morte transgredimur; nec potest vita aeterna succedere nisi hinc contigerit exire. Non est exitus iste sed transitus et [temporale itinere decurso] ad aeterna transgressus. Quis non ad meliora festinet? Quis non mutari et reformari ad Christi speciem et ad caelestis gratiae dignitatem citius exoptet?" [n.22]
VOCAB. quod [l.1]=The fact that... succedere=follow-after. hinc=from here,hence. contingere=to happen. exitus,us-m.(cf.DICT.) outcome,egress,end,death. festinEt + exoptEt will be subjunctives next week with the force: "---would,may". [temp.itin.decurso: an ablative absolute in 2nd semester= the temporal journey having been run out]
  1. What is the exact-full meaning for: "ad meliora"? ________ its reversed? ________
  2. 'ad' in l.4 does not have the same meaning as 'ad' in l.3!! explain:
  3. Why will you say that the "iste" in l.2 is the proper word in the context?
    what other two Latin words would have the same meaning if not force?
    What is the OF-gen. form for the combination: "exitus iste"?
  4. If "mutari"+"reformari" will be like "videri" in Horace above then you can write out your own smooth version:
  5. In one of our exercises we saw that the 'positive' degree of that "citius" is: ________
  6. ADD the word: 'only' in Latin to: "Christi": ________ and ADD the Latin word for 'whole,total' to "gratiae": ________
E] As in Ludus 1, our great MARCVS TVLLIVS CICERO [106-43 ante Chr.] presents us with his daily Latin in a personal letter to Plancius:
"Binas a te accepi litteras Corcyrae* datas, quarum alteris mihi gratulabare, quod audisses+ meam pristinam dignitatem, alteris dicebas ...bene et feliciter evenire".
VOCAB. Corcyrae*=at-in Corfu. do,dare=to send. audisses+ takes as "audiveras". evenire=it was turning out.
  1. Form to be noted? ________
  2. Your quick version:

Third Experience Latin - Fr. Reginald Foster

Answers to Third Experience

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