Latin Readings with Fr. Foster

Experience 1, Readings 5

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ALBIUS TIBULLUS gives us examples of using Prepositions which take the accusative.

cernite, fulgentes ut eat sacer agnus ad aras
Look, how the sacred lamb is going to shining altars

per herbas - through the grass

illo vitulum gestante per agros - by that one carrying the calf through the field

MAXIUMUS TAURINENSIS, Bishop Maximus of Turin, De Natale Sanctorum Petri et Pauli

Ergo beati Petrus et Paulus eminent inter universos apostolos
Thus blessed Peter and Paul are outstanding among all the apostles.

Bishop Maximus continues, refering to the legend of the apostles' prayer defeating Simon the Magician's attempts to fly.

Prior enim ascendit ad dominum oratio quam volatus,
et ante pervenit iusta petitio quam iniqua praesumptio

Prayer ascends to the Lord sooner than the flight (of a bird),
and just petitions arrive sooner then an unjust presumption.

Iohannes Linnartz (1998 post Chr.) gives examples of Prepositions which can take either accusative or ablative in his Vinnetu, a Latin version of one of Karl May's tales from the old West.

In Campo Tentorio Comanchium - In the tent city (ABL) of the Comanches
secundum flumen in pratariam comitabatur. - following the river it flowed into the prarie. (ACC)
Ad rivum, qui in Pecum effundebatur - To the river which flowed into the Pecum (ACC)
rursus in Comanchium vestigia incidimus - again we came upon the footsteps (ACC - nueter plural) of the Comanches fluvium desiluerunt - they had jumped into the river (ACC)

First Experience Latin - Fr. Reginald Foster

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