Latin Readings with Fr. Foster

Experience 1, Readings 1

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AVRELIVS AVGVSTINVS [354-430 post Chr.]
In the first line from Augustine, notice how he puts the subject (underlined) after the object (italics) of each phrase!

Fecerunt itaque civitates duas amores duo: terrenam scilicet amor sui usque ad contemptum Dei, caelestem vero amor Dei usque ad contemptum sui. Denique illa in seipsa, haec in Domino gloriatur. Illa enim quaerit ab hominibus gloriam; huic autem Deus conscientiae testis, maxima est gloria.

Two loves therefore made two cities: certainly the love of oneself all-the-way to the contempt of God [produced] the earthly [city], however the love of God all-the-way to the contempt of self [produced] the heavenly [city]. Indeed the former glories in itself, the latter glories in the Lord. Namely the former seeks glory from men; but God being the witness of conscience, the glory for the latter is greater.

MARCVS TVLLIVS CICERO [106-43 ante Chr.] Ad Familiares XIV, 1,4-5
Here note how Cicero likes to put his verbs (in bold), sometimes at the end of a phrase, other times at the beginning or in the middle.

De Quinto fratre nihil ego te accusavi; sed vos, cum praesertim tam pauci sitis, volui esse quam coniunctissimos. Quibus me voluisti agere gratias, egi et me a te certiorem factum esse scripsi

Concerning brother Quintus in-no-way have I accused you, but you since especially as you are few, I want to be as joined together as possible [tam...quam]. To whom by me you wanted to return thanks, I have returned, and I have written myself to have been informed by you.

MARCVS TVLLIVS CICERO [106-43 ante Chr.] Ad Familiares XIV, 5,1-2

Si tu et Tullia, lux nostra, valetis, ego et suavissimus Cicero valemus. Pr. Idus Oct. Athenas venimus ../.. velim cures, si auctio ante meum adventum fiet, ut Pomponius aut, si is minus poterit, Camillus nostrum negotium curet"

If you and Tullia, our light, are well, I and most sweet Cicero are well. [The day] Before the ides of October [Oct. 14] we came to Athens ../.. I would like you take-care-of, if the auction before my arrival will be done, that Pomponius or, if he will be less-than able, Camillus our business may-care-for.

MAXIMUS TAVRINENSIS [380-470 post Chr.] Sermo De Latrone 3, 41-45
Bishop Maximus likes to put either subjects or verbs at the end of his phrases (speaking of the thief on the cross).

Haec est vere fidei plena devotio, ut cum de vulneribus domini profluens sanguis cernitur, tunc de potestate eius venia postuletur; cum videatur eius humilitas, tunc magis timeatur eius divinitas; cum morti addictus putatur, tunc regis illi honorificentia deferatur.

This is truly devotion full of faith, so that when blood flowing from wounds of the Lord is noticed, then forgiveness is asked from his power; when his humility is seen, then his divinity is feared more; when the debtor is reckoned in death, then the honor of a king is granted to him.

From the code of canon law, notice how each paragraph begins with the same two words, the parochial vicar (or assistant priest), but in a different case each time: object, genitive, and subject respectively.

Can. 547 Vicarium paroecialem libere nominat Episcopus dioecesanus, {auditis, [si opportunum id iudicaverit,] parocho aut parochis}

Can. 548 §1 Vicarii paroecialis obligationes et iura, {praeterquam canonibus huius capitis, statutis dioecesanis necnon litteris Episcopi dioecesani} definiuntur

§3 Vicarius paroecialis regulariter de inceptis pastoralibus prospectis et susceptis ad parochum referat

Can. 547 The diocesan Bishop freely appoints an assistant priest; if he has judged it opportune, he will have consulted the parish-priest or parish-priests

Can. 548 §1 The obligations and rights of assistant priests are defined not only by the canons of this chapter, but also by the diocesan statutes, and by the letter of the diocesan Bishop

§3 The assistant priest is to report regularly to the parish-priest on pastoral initiatives having been planned and having been undertaken.

PONTIFEX BEATUS IOANNES XXIII [1958-1963 post Chr.] Allocution in Solemni SS. Concilii Inauguratione, 11 Oct. 1962
Even Blessed John XXIII puts his verbs at the end of each phrase:

Universa Concilia .../... manifesto vigorem Ecclesiae Catholicae comprobant et quasi fulgentia lumina in eius annalibus recensentur.

All Councils .../... plainly demonstrate the vigor of the Catholic Church and are considered as sparkling lights in its annals.

First Experience Latin - Fr. Reginald Foster

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