Homework 34-35

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§ A final selection of texts from various authors of Latin literature illustrates some of the last elements of our 'First Experience' of the Latin language: 2002-2003.

A] As our great MARCVS TVLLIVS CICERO [106-43 ante Chr.] opened our First Experience with his personal letters so also he will conclude our school year:
"Formias nunc sequimur; eodem* nos fortasse Furiae persequentur. Ex Balbi autem sermone, quem tecum habuit, non probamus de Melita" [Ad Atticum X,18,2].
VOCAB. Formiae,arum-f.=an oceanside city of the Romans where Cicero had a villa and was killed and buried! eodem*=to the same place. Furiae, cf.DICT. Melita,ae-f=Malta, as a suggestion for flight from Caesar as he was taking over Italy in the civil war.

  1. With what form-case are the Latin prepositions: "ex-de" used? ________ what therefore will be the reversed of the objects of those prepositions in Cicero's text?
  2. What do we mean by a 'deponent verb' in Latin? WHY that terminology?
  3. There are two ways of recognizing-knowing a deponent verb in Latin: [one as indicated here in Cicero's daily Latin]=
  4. What is the general meaning-force of the ABLATIVE form-case in Latin?
  5. If your DICT. gives you "sequor,sequi,secutus=to follow then to what verb Group does it belong? ________ In working with such a verb, what is the simple trick to avoid desperation-confusion? ________ Therefore, you can give us the remaining five Times with the same subject as Cicero's verb:=
  6. If your DICT. gives you: 'persequor,persequi,persecutus=to pursue' then here you must see what Time? ____. What will be the reversed of that verb form here in that Time? ________ Give the other five Times with the same subject:=
  7. Your own version of Cicero's e-mail talk to his best friend Atticus:

    ///// FREE QUESTION: what was the worst part-element-aspect of your First Latin Experience?

B] A very much neglected AVRELIVS AVGVSTINVS [354-430 post Chr.] also helps us end the year.
"Multi autem modi sunt quibus nobiscum loquitur Deus. Loquitur aliquando per aliquod instrumentum, sicut per codicem divinarum scripturarum; loquitur per aliquod elementum mundi sicut per stellam Magis* locutus est. Quid est enim locutio nisi significatio voluntatis? Loquitur per sortem, sicut Matthia in locum Iudae ordinando locutus est; loquitur per animam humanam sicut per prophetam" [Sermo XII,4,4].
VOCAB. aliqui,aliqua,aliquod=some. nisi=unless,if not. sors,sortis-f.=lots,chance.

  1. If your analysis of the text some day will tell you that: "Magis" (Magi=three kings) is DATIVE, then what meanings are you going to give that form in the vernacular?=
  2. If the Time of 'multi modi sunt' is ____, then the time of 'locutus est' must naturally be: _____.
  3. What is going to be the necessary and natural understanding of the words here "IN locUM Iudae"? ________ What do all the 'per' here mean?
  4. If the preposition "de" in Latin is used with: _________, then identify the words here that depend on that same preposition: [N.B. 'ordinandus,a,um=ordaining, to be ordained']:=
  5. If the reversed of: 'per codicem' is _________, then the reversed of "per stellam" must be:=
  6. Instead of the 'per sortem' how could Augustinus have said "BY-WITH-FROM-IN lots-chance"?
  7. If the reversed of: 'divinarum scripturarum' is= ________ then the reversed of 'significatio voluntatis' must also be:=
  8. What kind of verb in Latin is: 'loquitur'? ________ HOW do you know?
    What will this simple phrase mean to you and any hound dog passing in front of the Gregoriana: "Dicitur propheta quia loquitur uti propheta' ??=
    According to your Latin class training what will this simply phrase mean: "Ab ea celebrabimur prophetae, quia ea loquemur prophetae voce menteque" ??=

    ////// free question: what was the best part-element-aspect of your First Latin Experience?

C] As an example of modern Latin the Latin documents of CONSILIVM VATICANVM SECVNDVM [1962-1965] are outstanding and immortal. Here are some texts:
+ "Sacra Synodus recentiorum Summorum Pontificum doctrinam de inviolabilibus humanae personae iuribus necnon de iuridica ordinatione societatis evolvere intendit" [Decem. 7,1965]
VOCAB. synodus,i-F.=assembly,synod. evolvere=to develop. ordinatio,onis-f.=organization. recentior,(oris)=more recent. Summus Pontifex=highest pontiff. necnon=and also.

  1. Where do you find: 'iuribus' in your DICT.?
  2. If the adjective is 'inviolabilis,e' then what did you learn about the ABL. sing. of the same word [or here the reversed of the Council's text]?=
  3. Your own version of the modern Latin:
  4. How will you say in your own Latin: "The teaching of the Pontiffs will be developed by the Sacred Synod and its members [particeps,ticipis]" =

+ "Quae de iure hominis ad libertatem religiosam declarat haec* Vaticana Synodus, fundamentum habent in dignitate personae, cuius exigentiae +rationi humanae+ plenius innotuerunt per saeculorum experientiam" [ibidem].
VOCAB. haec*=this (fem.subject). exigentia,ae-f.=demand. +rationi humanae+=TO human reason-thought. plenius=more fully.

  1. Express the antecedent of that "quae" in Latin ________, and tell us what it is going to do here:
  2. Two English versions of the 'cuius':=
  3. The reversed of: 'iure'= ________ 'dignitate'= ________
  4. Your personal version:

First Experience Latin - Fr. Reginald Foster

Answers to First Experience

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