Homework 2

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The annual celebration of all the Saints of the Church on November 1st gives us many opportunities to learn Latin from the LITVRGIA ROMANA which is centuries old and new also.

A] (Antiphon at first vespers): "Cantabant sancti canticum novum *ante sedem Dei et Agni* et resonabat terra".
VOCAB. *ante sedem Dei et Agni* = before the seat of God and of the Lamb.

  1. When you start reading-hearing a Latin sentence like this one, and you first get 'cantabant', what kind of subject do you attach to that verb? ________; and what about the verb 'resonabat'? what possible subject in Latin?
  2. If your DICT. gives you: "canticum-n.=song", then what possible functions can-must you give the form in the quote? and why?
    Which of those functions is excluded here and why?
    What is the reversed of 'canticum'?
  3. From what you have learned in your first Latin classes, what must the function of that 'terra' be, IF it appears that way in the DICT.? ________ its reversed: ________.
  4. If the word is: "sanctus,i-m=male-saint", then what does 'sancti' do in this quote?
    And its reversed will be:
  5. From that quick analysis, what do you notice about the Latin style of the liturgical text?
    What will you answer to people who say such word order is difficult-confusing-not modern?
  6. If the verbs here are past. then what does the antiphon mean exactly in straight, correct English?
  7. Keep the word order of the text, and say on your own: "We were singing, the men-saints [sanctus,i-m.] and the women-saints [sancta,ae-f.] and new songs were resounding everywhere-(cf. DICT.)":
  8. How does this liturgical sentence recall-imitate the quote from Augustine which we saw in our first class: "Facerunt itaque civitates duas amores duo"?

B] (antiphon at the 'Magnificat'): "Te gloriosus *Apostolorum chorus, te *prophetarum laudabilis numerus, te *martyrum candidatus laudat exercitus".
VOCAB. *apostolorum-prophetarum-martyrum=OF the apostles-prophets-martyrs.

  1. From your first Latin class you see the verb here: ________, which reversed will be: ________. The 'you' form for that same verb is: ________ and the 'I' form: ________.
  2. Your second class allowed you to identify several words here whose form clearly makes them subjects: point them out=
  3. If very soon that 'te' is going to be object, then explain WHY the ancient author put it where she/he did:
  4. Exact meaning of the famous line and part of the 'Te Deum' (verb is present):
  5. What is the difference in meaning between what you read above, and the following variation: "martyrum laudat exercitus te candidatus"?
    What will this phrase have to mean with the same word-order: "tu martyrum candidatum laudas exercitum"?
  6. How will you have to say in Latin: "We glorious choirs of apostles are praising the numbers of prophets" (keep the general word order of the quote):

C] (antiphon at Second Vespers): "Redemisti nos, *Domine Deus in sanguine tuo*... et fecisti nos +Deo nostro+ regnum".
VOCAB. *Dom. Deus in san. tuo*=Oh Lord God in your blood. +Deo nostro+=for our God.

  1. If in your Latin training you will learn: 'redeml-feci=i have redeemed-i have made', then what subject do you see in the verbs of the quote? ________ their reversed:
  2. According to your DICT. what can be the function of "regnum" and why?
  3. If 'nos' here=us, and the verbs are past then the liturgical line must mean:
  4. How do you say in Latin with the same VOCAB.: "She has redeemed the angels [angelus,i-m.] and we have redeemed the creatures [creatura,ae-f.]":
  5. You should be able to 'see' at least four different meanings in the simple Latin sentence: "fecit nos Deo nostro regnum": what are they? (observe+think!)

D] (preface for the solemnity of All Saints): "*fratrum nostrorum* iam te in aeternum corona collaudat".
VOCAB. *fratrum nostrorum*=of our brothers. in aeternum=into eternal time,eternity.

  1. Why can that "te" not be the subject of the sentence?
    What is the subject of the sentence? _______ and with what does it connect?
  2. Why are such sentences especially good for beginners learning about the "nature" of the Latin language?
  3. Exact meaning: (collaudare=laudare)
  4. Reverse "corona collaudat"=
  5. What is totally ambiguous about: "regna cantica laudant"?? explain
    But why is: "regna corona laudat" not ambiguous?
    And "regnum coronam laudat" not ambiguous?

E) (preface for the solemnity of All Saints): "simul *fragilitati nostrae* adiumenta et exempla concedis".
VOCAB. *fragilitati nostrae*=to our fragility, weakness.

  1. If the verb here is present, then what is its subject? _______ and reversed? ________
  2. What does "simul" mean in your DICT.? ________, what English word comes from it?
  3. Exact meaning
  4. Say: "we always grant help and an example to fragility":

F) (psalm verse): "sacrificabo hostiam... vota mea *Domino reddam.
VOCAB. *Domino - to the lord.

First Experience Latin - Fr. Reginald Foster

Answers to First Experience

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