Homework 12

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§+In our class readings Curtius Rufus said nicely: "The inhabitants had left the locations and had fled into the mountains" ??= Deseruerant incolas sedes et in avios silvestresque montes confugerant.
You will say: 'we shall never have left our villages (=oppidum,i-n.) because-of you and your bombs-[pyrobolus,i-m.] and we have not fled into Tora Bora'. [n.b. express the 'and' here very specially-elegantly!]

+Maximus Taurinensis said: "On today's day the blessed apostles poured-forth blood' = Hodierna igitur die beati apostoli sanguinem profuderunt.
You will say: 'Ye have not poured-forth blood outside your brains [cerebrum,i-n.] but had poured-forth many (multus,a,um: pl.) calories [caloria,ae-f.] into your 'ludi domestici' ??=

--You can also begin your reading of the missionary account of "Cagnacci", "Sexdecim apostolicas peregrinationes susceperunt hoc anno Patres duo".
Hoc anno=in this year.

  1. What verb Time do you notice here immediately? ________ what is its reversed? ________
    Where do you find it in the DICT.?= ________ what are the other 2 Time forms which we learned fast from it:? ________
  2. If the adjective is: 'apostolicus,a,um', then what form-case-function do you see in that "apostolicas"? ________ that makes 'peregrinationes' [peregrenatio= pilgrimage,travel,wandering] what in the sentence? (another noun group soon in class!)
    If: 'duo' here is a subject form then the initial sentence of Cagnacci means exactly:
    If the author of the history had been writing in 1868, then your vernacular might sound how?

§ For the first time this year, Rome's only real-greatest philosopher: LVCIVS ANNAEVS SENECA [4 ante-65 post Chr.] comes to us with his super-compressed, telegraphic Latin as found in his 124+ 'Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium' which contain all his thoughts and give him a permanent place among Western philosophers [almost Christian]: some sayings-proverbs

A] "Non est philosophia populare artificium nec *ostentationi* paratum...: animum format et fabricat, vitam disponit, actiones+ regit, agenda et omittenda demonstrat, sedet ad gubernaculum et...dirigit cursum" [Epist. 16,3].
VOCAB. *ostentationi*..for show, display. actiones+=actions (pl. object). gubernaculum,i-n.=steering-wheel,control-center, helm.

  1. If some year in your Latin training: 'agendus,a,um=needing-to-be-done; omittendus,a,um=needing-to-be-omitted and if the subject of "demonstrat" is ________, then the full meaning of those two Latin verbal forms must be:=
  2. If the verb is: "paro,parare,paravi,paratum=to equip,prepare", then the form used by SENECA must mean naturally: =
  3. All the verbs here are T.1, and the adjective: 'popularis,e=popular' here is neuter sing. + "artificium", then the whole sentence means exactly:
  4. Give the other five indicative Times with the same subject you find in "est" l.1:

B] "Virtus autem suadet praesentia* bene collocare, in futurum consulere, deliberare et intendere animum: facilius+ intendet explicabitque qui aliquem sibi§ adsumpserit. Quaeret itaque aut perfectum virum aut proficientem vicinumque perfecto%" [Epist. 109,15]
VOCAB. suadeo,ere=suggests,advise. facilius+=more easily. aliquem sibi§=someone for himself. proficientem=advancing (object.) perfecto%=to a perfect person.

  1. If the Latin adjective is: "praesens=present,being-at-hand" and here we have object pl., then the meaning of Seneca's form must be:=
  2. Your Latin training gave you two ways of rendering those verb forms here: 'collocare-consulere-deliberare-intendere':=
  3. What does 'qui mean in Latin? _______ what gender is it? ________ its reversed: _________ all alone like here, it will probably have to mean:
  4. If very soon you will see that 'suadet' is T.1 but 'intendet' is T.3, then you will be reminded of what basic Latin principle from the first day?
  5. If the Latin verb in your DICT. is: "assumo (adsumo)=I take-up,assume" then what Time do you see in Seneca's word in l.2 ________, meaning:
  6. If the verb is: 'quaero,ere=to seek,look-for' and here is T.3, then it must mean:
  7. If the word here: "futurum" will practically mean: 'future time', then what is the force-meaning of that "in" with it ________ what do you do to air-heads who take 'in futurum' to mean: "in the future" [n.b. 'consulere=to take counsel'] ??=
  8. If the main verbs in l.2-3 are all T.3 (except: 'adsumpserit'), then you can get the whole text, as you watch every word and read the 3 lines ten times before you open your mouth or pen!!=

C] "Inimicitias mihi* denuntias si quicquam (ex iis quae cotidie facio) ignoraveris" [Epist 76,1]
VOCAB. mihi*=to me. cotidie=daily.

  1. If the word is: "inimicitia,ae-f.=enmity,hostility", and "denuntiare=to announce,threaten: here in T.1", then what do you want to point out to your students in the two: '---as' forms there? ________ what will be their reversed:
  2. From your class instruction, what three things can the Latin form: 'quae' function as?
    Here the verb tells you it must be what? ________ and reversed: _________
  3. You can imagine that if the DICT. gives you: 'quisquam=anyone', that the form 'quicquam-quidquam' will have to mean: _________
  4. The verb is "ignoro,are=to not-know, be ignorant-of" and the form here will have to be Time ________
  5. The form: "ex iis" will mean in april: 'from those-things'. now you give us the exact meaning of the neat line of Seneca

First Experience Latin - Fr. Reginald Foster

Answers to First Experience

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